Registration and Safety Checks

Registration tips and traps

Always renew registration when it is due as there are several traps:

  • Renew registration within 3 months of your expiry date, otherwise your registration will be cancelled.
  • To renew your registration for 6 months, you must do so within 21 days of renewal date, otherwise you have no choice but to renew for 12 months.
  • Greenslips for 6 months also have a use-by date, which is 21 days after the date on which registration renewal is due.
  • Registration of a vehicle requiring a blue slip (a vehicle being transferred from interstate or with a cancelled registration) is a first registration and can be done initially for 12 months only.
  • Registration of a vehicle does not usually require hard copies of the CTP green slip as they are sent online to Service NSW. However, you may need a hard copy of the safety and identity check (blue slip).

Safety checks

Vehicle safety inspection reports are called safety checks or pink slips. Your registration renewal notice will tell you if a safety check is required. Vehicles more than 5 years old require an annual safety check before registration.

For the first 5 years, new light vehicles plus light commercial vehicles, panel vans, caravans, trailers and 4WD vehicles with a compliance date of 1 July 2003 onwards do not need a safety check.

  • Safety checks are usually issued online to Service NSW by Authorised Inspection Scheme stations (inspection stations).
  • After a safety check, you can renew your registration online or on the phone.
  • Find a list of inspection stations and other Service NSW information about registering your vehicle.

To register a vehicle being transferred from interstate or with a cancelled registration, you need a more detailed safety and identity check, generally called a blue slip. Some inspection stations issue pink and blue slips.

Short term (6-month) registration and greenslips

In addition to 12-month renewal, you can buy a greenslip and renew registration for 6 months for cars, light trucks (most light vehicles up to 4.5 tonnes), motorbikes and trailers. You can renew for 3 months in the case of trucks.

  • The term of your greenslip must match the period of your registration. If you intend to renew your registration for 6 months, buy a greenslip for 6 months.
  • Short term (6-month) registration is not available for a new registration or when transferring and renewing registration at the same time.
  • Safety checks (pink slips) are required every 12 months or every alternate 6-month registration period.

Renew registration online at Service NSW, by calling 13 77 88, by post or in person at a motor registry or Service NSW.

Greenslip notification online

When you buy a greenslip the insurer will notify Service NSW online. Generally, subject to clearance of funds, Service NSW will be notified within 30 to 60 minutes of processing by the insurer.

If you buy your greenslip from an agent or broker, always check how long it will take for processing by the insurer.

You cannot register your vehicle until green slip notification has occurred.


1. Is there a grace period for registration in NSW?

Yes, the grace period for registration is 3 months. If you do not renew within 3 months, registration is cancelled and you have to start a new registration. You will pay the extra costs of a blue slip, new registration fees and number plates.
Note, if you do not renew within 21 days, you must renew for 12 months even if you prefer 6 months.

2. What is a blue slip?

A blue slip is a detailed safety and identity check of your vehicle. You need a blue slip if you want to:

  • Register a vehicle in NSW for the first time.
  • Transfer ownership or register a vehicle with cancelled registration.
  • Transfer a vehicle from interstate.

Once your vehicle has a blue slip, you do not have to get another one unless its registration is cancelled.

3. How much is a blue slip?

The cost of a blue slip is currently $69 for a light vehicle and $42 for a motorcycle.

4. How often do you need a pink slip?

You need a pink slip once a year if:

  • Your vehicle is more than 5 years old and
  • Your registration renewal papers state it requires a safety check.

Book a pink slip at one of these inspection stations.

5. How much is a pink slip?

The cost of a pink slip is currently $43 for a light vehicle and $24 for a motorcycle.

6. Can you get 6 months rego in NSW?

Yes, you can get 6 months registration if you own a light vehicle and this is not its first registration in NSW. The first registration in NSW must always be for 12 months.

  • If you register your vehicle for 6 months, you must buy a green slip for 6 months.
  • If you need a pink slip, this applies to alternate 6-month registration periods.

Remember, if you register your vehicle for 6 months then you must buy a greenslip for 6 months.

Registration - more info

Transferring registration to NSW >

Three steps to transfer interstate registration to NSW. read more

Green slip and rego look-up >

Free service to find your CTP insurer or when rego is due. read more

Renew a full drivers or riders NSW licence >

Steps to help you renew your drivers or riders licence. read more

Unregistered vehicles >

What happens if you forget to register your vehicle. read more

Conditional registration >

For vehicle types registered under strict conditions only read more

Vehicle shape codes >

Shape codes for registration and green slip purposes read more

Classic and historic registration >

Special registration for classic and historic vehicles read more

eGreenslips >

Insurers notify Service NSW online about your green slip. read more

Transport for NSW >

The government authority for Service NSW functions read more

Registration reminder sticker >

A simple reminder when your NSW registration is due. read more