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vehicle info current info driver info
info Vehicle type?

Vehicle Type Info

The calculator works only for vehicle types set out below.

The calculator does not work for trucks over 4.5 tonne GVM, buses or fleets.

Some SUVs and 4WDs are classified as Motor Cars and some are classified as Light Goods Vehicles. Be particularly careful to locate the shape code on the registration papers.

Motor Car includes passenger vehicles, sedans, station wagons and some SUVs. Registration shape codes CON, COU, FCV, HRS, PVF, SBS, SED, SNO, TWC, WAG. Does not include light goods vehicles, utes, table tops and some SUVs.

Utes/Light Goods Vehicle (less than 4.5 tonne GVM) includes some SUVs and utes, table tops, panel vans and light goods vehicles less than 4.5 tonnes GVM. Registration shape codes PVS, PVW, PVN, TT, TTF, UTE, VAN.

Motorcycle includes all motorcycles, including those with sidecars.

For information on vehicle types, call us on 02 9223 0102.


Registration commencement date

There are three important dates:

  • Expiry date: Your green slip and registration expire at midnight on the same date.
  • Registration due date: Final date on which your registration payment is due.
  • Commencement date: The day your green slip and registration commence.

The calculator uses prices on commencement date. For the calculator, you need to enter the commencement date.

Engine Capacity (cc)
Will the motorcycle carry a pillion passenger?

Year, Make And Model Of Your Vehicle

The Year your vehicle was made (e.g., 2007) can be found on your registration papers or on the vehicle's compliance plate, usually found under your vehicle's bonnet.

Your vehicle's Make is its brand (e.g., Nissan, Mitsubishi) and can be found on your registration papers.
Your vehicle's Model is its name (e.g., Pulsar, Lancer).

If you cannot find your Vehicle Make and/or Model from the dropdown list, please select "Other" - located at the end of the Vehicle Make.

TIP: Typing in the first letter of the vehicle Make and Model will speed up searching through the dropdown list.

Note: Make and Model are not applicable (N/A) for vehicles older than 1991.

Vehicle shape?
info Vehicle model variant?

Why we need the exact vehicle model variant!

For some vehicles and insurers, prices differ based on the particular variant of a vehicle model.

To ensure green slip prices are accurate, select your vehicle model variant.

You can check your vehicle model variant details on your existing greenslip renewal notice or on your registration renewal notice.


Entitlement To Claim For GST

If you are registered for GST and entitled to claim an input tax credit for GST, you will be issued a tax invoice green slip.

If you are claiming for GST, the cost of your greenslip will be different to the cost which would otherwise have applied.

Insurers are entitled to charge a loading between 6.5% and 7.5% where the greenslip purchaser intends to claim for GST.

How many kilometres does your vehicle usually travel each year?
info How many days per week is the vehicle used to commute to work or study?

Days per week usage

The 'Never' may be selected if the vehicle is used 'rarely'. Rarely may mean:

  • driving to and from school or day care
  • driving on occasion to the shops or medical appointment
  • driving somewhere to volunteer once a week
Is there a current greenslip?
Was it for 6 or 12 months?
Which insurer is the current greenslip with?
How long have you continuously held this policy?

What Is A Blue Slip?

A blue slip is a check on the roadworthiness and identity of unregistered vehicles. A blue slip involves a more thorough check than does an eSafety check.

A blue slip will be required if your vehicle is unregistered or if your vehicle is being transferred from interstate.

To obtain a blue slip you will need to go to an Authorised Unregistered Vehicle Inspection Station (AUVIS).

info Do you have other insurance on the vehicle?

Do You Have Other Insurance For The Vehicle?

One of the factors applied by insurers to determine greenslip prices is your insurance history.

Additional vehicle insurances are generally referred to as Comprehensive Insurance and Third Party Property Insurance.

Comprehensive Insurance generally covers damage to your vehicle, damage to other vehicles, damage to property and theft of your vehicle.

Third Party Property Insurance is generally cheaper and more limited than Comprehensive Insurance and generally covers only damage to other vehicles and damage to property.

Your greenslip only covers injuries to people. It does not cover any of the incidents covered by Comprehensive Insurance or Third Party Property Insurance.

Comprehensive Insurance and Third Party Property policy terms, inclusions and limitations vary from insurer to insurer. You need to check with your insurer to determine what is covered by your policy.

Do you have other motor insurance for any other vehicle?
Which insurer is the other insurance with?
How long have you continuously held it on this vehicle with that insurer?

Owner's Age

The age of the owner/registered operator at commencement of greenslip.


Youngest driver's age

The age of the youngest driver of the vehicle at commencement of greenslip.

Same as "Owner's Age" if the owner/registered operator is the youngest driver.

Youngest driver’s gender?
info How many demerit points has the owners/drivers accrued on their licence?

Check Your Demerit Points

Click link below to check your details with Service NSW.

Driving Convictions Info

Driving convictions involve a court appearance. Do not include parking fines, low range speeding fines or other minor offences which do not result in a licence suspension or court appearance.
info What type of Licence does the least experienced driver currently have?

Licence Type

Open Licence (Australian): A current and valid licence issued in Australia where the licence holder has passed all of the provisional stages of licencing that apply in the state or territory of issuing. Any limitations that might apply to a provisional licence holder no longer apply (e.g. engine size, curfews, demerit points, blood alcohol limits)

Provisional Licence: A current and valid licence issued in Australia where the licence holder has not yet passed the provisional conditions of the licencing state or territory of issuing, and is only permitted to drive according to the provisional rules that apply to their licence - (e.g. limited engine capacity, curfews, demerit points and blood alcohol limits)

Learners Licence: A current and valid licence issued in Australia where the licence holder has not yet passed the conditions of the licencing state or territory of issuing, and is required to drive with supervision.

International Licence: A current and valid licence not issued in Australia

How long has the least experienced driver held a licence (not including L Plate)?
How many continuous years has the owner been an NRMA member or had any NRMA insurance?

your cheapest greenslip ... all insurers


Essential to know

  • Cover is the same, whether you buy the cheapest or the most expensive green slip.
  • Prices are based on the accuracy of all information you enter.
  • does not sell green slips. Contact your insurer of choice.

contact insurer


your calculation summary For your reference your calculation number is: XXX-XXX-XXX


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About our calculator

Our green slip calculator will provide the best price available for each of the NSW CTP green slip insurers, based on your vehicle and details.

Six insurers currently offer green slips in NSW.

If a green slip price is based correctly on your vehicle and details, by law the price must be the same no matter how or where you purchase your CTP green slip.

Unless there is a special reason, (such as for Ulysses members or for fleet discounts) no one can offer prices cheaper than those shown on our CTP green slip calculator.

The calculator operates for common vehicle types. It does not operate for trucks, buses or fleets.

Prices are taken from State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) website. We are not associated with SIRA, nor are we endorsed by SIRA.

If you have an issue with a price on the green slip calculator, contact us and we will investigate the issue.

Details of our commercial arrangements are available on this website.

Tips on using the green slip calculator

  1. Registration commencement date – Enter it up to 3 months in advance or up to 3 months overdue. You cannot register your vehicle more than 3 months in advance and CTP green slip prices are not set more than 3 months in advance. If your registration is more than 3 months overdue, Service NSW will cancel your registration and the due date will be the current date. You will also need a blue slip.
  2. Green slip calculator works for light vehicles up to 4.5 tonnes GVM – Not for trucks over 4.5 tonnes GVM, buses or fleets. To compare CTP green slip prices for those vehicle types you need to contact the insurers.
  3. Vehicle type – An important factor in setting green slip prices. Insurers often charge more for utes and light commercial vehicles than they do for motor cars. Generally, vans are classified as light commercial vehicles. To check common classification codes, click on the information icon next to the question in the calculator.
  4. Be accurate – Enter your details carefully and accurately as this affects the CTP green slip price.


We make four promises to you:


1. Can I get a CTP green slip quote for my vehicle?

You can get a green slip quote for all light vehicles up to 4.5 tonnes GVM by using the Calculator. If you own a heavy vehicle over 4.5 tonnes GVM, buses or fleets, you have to contact the insurers directly for green slip prices.

2. When should I get green slip quotes?

You should get green slip quotes when you want to renew registration or start a new registration in NSW. You cannot register a vehicle or get green slip prices more than 3 months in advance.

  • For a renewal, you need the registration commencement date on your rego papers. You can renew registration up to 3 months before your registration is due or up to 3 months after it was due.
  • You must start a new registration if your registration is more than 3 months overdue, because Service NSW will cancel your registration. Your vehicle will need a blue slip and the registration commencement date will be today.

3. Does vehicle type affect the price of my CTP green slip?

Some factors in particular affect the price of your green slip. Vehicle type is one important factor in green slip prices. Insurers often charge more for utes and light commercial vehicle than for motor cars. It is worth checking your registration renewal notice for the classification code. For example, some SUVs are classified as light goods vehicles and others as motor cars.
To check common classification codes, click on the information icon next to the question in the calculator.

4. Does postcode affect the price of my CTP green slip?

Yes, postcode does affect the price of your green slip. Each postcode is allocated to one of 5 geographic regions. These are Metro, Outer Metro, Newcastle and Central Coast, Wollongong and Country. Insurers use these regions to set green slip prices. Generally, a green slip is more expensive in Metro areas than in the other regions.

5. Are green slips cheaper in the country?

Yes, green slips are generally much cheaper in Country areas than in the Metro area. However, the price of your green slip is also based on other important factors.

6. Are all CTP green slips the same?

Yes, all green slips are the same. Every greenslip must provide the same coverage by law for the injuries or deaths of people in a road accident involving your vehicle. NRMA Insurance provides extra coverage for at-fault drivers on top of its regulated green slip.

7. Do demerit points affect the price of my green slip?

Yes, demerit points do affect the price of your green slip. You can pay up to $300 more for a green slip with only one demerit point. Insurers view demerit points or traffic offences as a sign of whether you drive safely and within the law. Remember, demerit points stay on your licence for 42 months, which can increase the price of your green slip for 3 years.

8. How do young drivers get a cheap green slip?

Young drivers are unlikely to get a cheap green slip. Compared to more experienced drivers, they take more risks and crash more often. P1 platers are the riskiest drivers, especially in the first month. Young drivers can start creating a good driving record and, if possible, drive a newer car with safety features. They can then expect to get cheaper CTP green slips later on.

9. How do I get green slip prices if there is no youngest driver?

If you are the only driver, you are considered to be the youngest driver. In this case, use your own details to answer questions in the Calculator about the youngest driver. Remember, the youngest driver does not have to be young.

10. Do I need a CTP green slip for the used car I just bought?

No, you do not need a green slip for your car if it was registered when you bought it. This is because a current registration always includes a current green slip. When the car next comes up for registration, then you need to buy a new green slip. However, if the used car you bought was not registered, you will need to buy a green slip to register it.

11. Can I buy a CTP green slip for 6 or 12 months?

Yes, you can buy a greenslip for 6 or 12 months. However, you have to register your vehicle for 12 months if:

  • This is the first registration of a vehicle in NSW.
  • Registration (6 or 12 months) has lapsed by more than 21 days.
  • Your vehicle needs a blue slip because it was transferred from interstate or has a cancelled registration.

After the first registration, you can buy a greenslip and register for 6 months. provides the cheapest CTP greenslip prices for 6 or 12 months.

Ask us anything about green slips

Do you have more questions about CTP green slips, insurers or the Calculator?

See our FAQs page.

If you didn’t find the answer to your question, please send it to us and we will answer it as soon as we can.