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road toll charge accident

Do we want road user charging?

The way we pay for roads hasn’t changed for a long time. Many experts have suggested it’s time to introduce road user charging. This means drivers pay for when, where and how much they use the roads. However, nobody is asking whether we actually want road user charging. Read More

dying road safety

What can we do to improve road safety?

Who do you think is responsible for road safety? Is it car and truck drivers, schools, employers, road repairers, local councils or governments? The answer is all of the above. The new National Road Safety Strategy 2021-30 says it’s time to make road safety everyone’s responsibility. Read More

ctp care

How to understand CTP insurance

Did you know you need compulsory third party (CTP) insurance to register a vehicle in Australia? It protects you from financial loss if your vehicle is involved in a road crash causing injury or death to yourself, other drivers, passengers or pedestrians. That’s why it’s important to understand CTP insurance. Read More

mixed messages targets

Do emissions targets work?

Results from the new voluntary CO2 emissions standard just came in: carmakers missed the targets. It’s easy to blame the types of vehicles we prefer, or the poor standard of fuel in Australia. However, setting targets for emissions is only one option. Another is to create incentives for people to choose low emissions cars. Read More

congestion tax charging and tolls to reform

What you need to know about toll roads

It’s costing a lot more to drive around Sydney. There are 12 toll roads and still more approved or under construction. While some people would rather go out of their way to avoid tolls, others will pay just to save time. Meanwhile, some suburbs are more affected than others by toll roads and cashbacks. Sydney has become the capital of toll roads. Read More


Do you want to buy a caravan?

Last week we wrote about how everybody wants a Ute. But we want caravans too. Demand for new and used caravans is so strong, dealers are struggling to keep up. While everyone has to take their holidays within Australia, caravans make good sense. Do you want to buy a caravan? Read More

Why utes rule

Why Utes rule

It’s clear that Utes rule. Toyota Hilux has been the bestselling vehicle in Australia for 5 years. In the 12 months to February 2021, sales of new Utes overtook sales of passenger cars. Even in the US, a pickup (Ute) is the new family car. So why the fascination with Utes? Read More

speeding hurts run a car

Speeding hurts people and your pocket

Your chances of getting caught speeding in NSW are now higher than ever. Since it removed warning signs, NSW government has netted nine times more revenue from mobile speed cameras. Fines were $3.4 million in January 2021, from only $382,000 in January 2020. That doesn’t include fines issued by fixed cameras and police. Meanwhile, it’s still not obvious speed cameras are saving lives. Read More


Some surprising facts about electric cars

How many Australians bought electric cars last year? In the 12 months to January 2021, sales of electrified vehicles (hybrid, plug-in hybrid and pure electric) increased by half, from 3,681 to 5,701. But an electrified vehicle is not the same as an electric vehicle. Here are some surprising facts about electric cars. Read More

10 questions set prices

10 common questions about green slips

Greenslips.com.au has been helping people with green slips for 20 years. During 2020, greenslips.com.au received 575 emails and 6,203 phone calls. There were a few common misunderstandings about green slips. We’d like to clear some of those up during 2021. Read More

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