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young volunteers L and P platers

What L and P platers need to know

Learning to drive is still a rite of passage for some. Even though young people tend to delay the day they start driving lessons, most will get their drivers licence eventually. Find out how you move from Ls to P1s and P2s in the graduated licensing scheme and finally, to the freedom of an unrestricted licence. Read More

About demerit points

How do demerit points work?

Do you know how many demerit points you have? How many demerits apply for common driving offences in NSW? When double demerits apply? Many drivers don’t know. You can easily lose your licence by being unaware of when double demerits apply or how many demerit points apply for speeding, for example. Not only that, your greenslip premium could go up too. Read More

speeding ticket

Who gets the speeding tickets?

Nearly half (45%) of all road deaths in NSW in the year up to August 2020 involved speeding. Did you know some people are more likely to speed than others? It depends on which vehicle they drive, what they do for a living, and whether they are male or female. Read More

made a claim women under 27s

Why put young drivers in old cars?

It’s not unusual to see parents in a shiny new car while their teenagers drive an old bomb. With what we know about safety, it makes no practical sense. Teenagers are among the riskiest drivers, especially when on P plates. They also crash at four times the rate of adults and their older, smaller cars don’t protect them. Read More

fuel prices

You spend more on tolls than fuel

It costs Sydneysiders more each week to pay for tolls than to buy fuel. Even though transport costs across Australia fell by 4% and fuel costs fell by 20% in the June quarter, the cost of tolls kept rising. If Sydney had no tolls, vehicle owners would save around $86 a week. Read More

in-car tech

Does in-car tech actually work?

New cars are packed with technologies to make driving safer and more comfortable. While some drivers have no idea about their in-car tech, others may rely on it too much. As new safety technologies in cars are mandated, it is important to ask whether they are doing the job properly. Read More

vehicle emissions

How to reduce vehicle emissions

Do you ever think about how much CO2 your vehicle emits? Maybe not, but did you know Australian cars use 23% more fuel than advertised? Now there’s a new voluntary CO2 Emissions Standard to help reduce vehicle emissions. Even so, it’s not there to tell Australians what to buy or carmakers what to make. Read More

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