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Motorists putting safety of others at risk

Road safety is an issue requiring constant focus. From time to time, the NSW government collaborates with the Police to reveal information highlighting what needs to be done to increase the safety of others.

This time this problem is the increasing number of accidents and fatalities involving drivers under the influence of illicit drugs. With the manufacture of drugs like methamphetamine, speed and ecstasy, the problem is becoming more widespread.

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Australian car market in a world of its own

It seems that the Australian car market is in a world of its own, compared to the rest of the world.

For a number of years, the national market has been strong and despite the departure of several high-profile manufacturers, the momentum doesn’t seem to be slowing.

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Animal strike risk during winter months in NSW

Article PhotoAnimal strikes can happen at any time on NSW roads. From an accident with a dog or cat in a residential area  to a collision with a cow or kangaroo in rural and regional parts of the state.

It is important to remember that any incident involving an animal could have serious consequences for the wildlife itself, but also the wellbeing of the motorist. Depending on the vehicle’s speed, there could also be significant damage to the vehicle as well.

NRMA insurance has found NSW has more than double the amount of animal collisions than any other state. The insurance provider revealed animal strikes were up 12 per cent on 2012, with the animal most likely to be hit being a kangaroo.

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Regional NSW infrastructure projects ramp up

Article PhotoNew South Wales’s ageing road infrastructure is an issue the state government is aware of and is actively upgrading. However, when it comes to safety, it often needs the assistance of the public to assess what is dangerous and needs to be fixed.

In the latest round of infrastructure upgrades, the government is inviting community members to submit their thoughts on the latest stage of the $48 million Bells Line of Road corridor improvement program.

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Data reveals the high number of car park accidents

Shopping is often hampered by congested car parks, frayed tempers and countless examples of poor driver behaviour.

Recently released data from the Royal Automobile Association (RAA) revealed how prevalent car park accidents are becoming in Australia. Of all motor insurance claims that the RAA dealt with in 2013, 13 per cent were the result of car park damage.

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Hit and miss announcement from ANCAP

Article PhotoWhen purchasing a new car, choosing a safe vehicle for you and your family is very important.  On NSW roads, 180 people have lost their lives this year. This is a 5 per cent increase on the number of fatalities at this stage last year.

To assist in the process, Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) has been crash testing vehicles since 1993. In that time, more than 400 vehicles have been tested with a select few achieving the coveted five star safety rating.

ANCAP made its latest announcement on July 14, adding two vehicles to its prestigious list, while another model fell just short of the mark.

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Vehicle sales hit June high after struggles

The latest car sales figures from the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) have been released.

According to FBAI, 118,309 vehicles were sold last month, representing a 25 per cent increase from May, although this was slightly down on June 2013.

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Truck drivers and operators to benefit from change in mass loading transfer laws

Changes to the way heavy vehicles are loaded will benefit the trucking industry throughout Australia, according to the National Transport Commission (NTC).

National regulations around the matter have recently undergone a significant reform. Adherence to safe loading laws are essential to promote road safety principles for heavy vehicles, but the previous rules were out of date and created unnecessary difficulties for those in the transport industry.

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Buses target of NSW Police operation

Buses have been involved in a spate of recent incidents that have sparked a multi-agency crackdown on safety within the industry. Conducted by the Joint Heavy Vehicle Taskforce involving NSW Police and Roads and Maritime Service (RMS), Operation Hanly 2 is in full swing around the state inspecting fleets.

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