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Life without a drivers licence

Driving is so much part of daily life that losing your licence can be difficult. If you accumulate 13 demerit points on a full licence, you will lose it. We asked two people what it’s like to live with lots of demerit points or without a licence. Read More

courteous driver

How to be a more courteous driver

If you drive a lot, the chances are you appreciate it when other drivers are courteous towards you. Courteous driving is more than just following the road rules. In fact, there are some unwritten road rules that help to make everyone’s drive more enjoyable. Read More

How much is a green slip for pensioners?

One of our top 10 questions in the past 3 years is the price of a green slip for pensioners. In NSW, having a pension doesn’t make your green slip price cheaper. However, your vehicle registration is free and you may receive other motoring benefits. Read More

young people, learner drivers

How parents can help their learner drivers

Parents may dread or welcome the day their young adult wants to learn to drive. The process of learning to drive can be long, expensive and emotional. Find your way through L plates to P plates and help your learner drivers come out safely on the other side. Read More

Your green slip covers lifetime injuries

Some people are injured so badly in a road accident they need treatment and care for the rest of their lives. Your green slip covers lifetime injuries through the Lifetime Care and Support scheme. This is why you pay the Fund Levy with your green slip. Read More

Save money with your caravan

Caravan holidays have become even more appealing since the pandemic. More people than ever have bought new caravans to enjoy the sense of freedom they bring to explore the countryside. Here are some ways you can save money with your caravan. Read More

Green slips for country drivers

Green slips for country drivers provide the same coverage as for any other driver. However, green slips are usually cheaper in the country than in metropolitan areas. Find out what to consider when you compare prices for country drivers with the greenslips.com.au Calculator. Read More

Toll review addresses high tolls

Most people say tolls are too high and unfair. A recent independent toll review sought opinions from the public, businesses, local Councils and other parties. See whether you agree with the reviewers and what they want to do next with tolls. Read More

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