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Peak Car: Are we getting out of cars?

There was a time when all cars ran on combustion engines, we all desired to own one and we drove our own exclusively. All that is changing. Private car sales in all western countries will plateau and plummet. Transport will transform. Peak Car is the time when many people will finally get out of their cars. Read More

own a car

Car bans

Would you give up using your car in exchange for travel credit? A local trial in the UK is about to find out. It’s a subtle, typically British move towards nudging cars off the road. Many cities in the world have already moved towards car bans, for example, Vancouver has already met its 2020 active transit target. Meanwhile, Sydney has done nothing. Read More

not thinking

Update the road rules for tech that distracts drivers

The National Transport Commission (NTC) proposes a long overdue update to the Australian Road Rules. The rules don’t recognise all the distracting technologies available to drivers, whether for entertainment or safety. They may also be confused about what technology is safe to use while driving. It’s time to make it clear what supports and what distracts drivers. Read More

safety technology injured claimants

Drivers take risks with safety technology

The chances are many drivers don’t know much about how their car works. Newer cars use advanced driver assistance systems, such as automatic emergency braking (AEB), adaptive cruise control (ACC) and others. Unfortunately, drivers don’t understand what safety technology can and can’t do. They could risk their safety by relying too much on it. Read More

car sounds

Design a sound for your car

Usually we notice the sound our car makes only when it’s the wrong kind. But car sounds are becoming more important for electric vehicles because we simply don’t hear them. This means manufacturers are spending millions to create just the right sound to fit their brand. Read More

smartwatch distraction

Who can resist that buzz on your wrist?

Everyone knows the dangers of using a mobile phone while driving. The law is also very clear about penalties for reading, watching and texting on phones. But the road rules don’t mention smartwatches at all. Does that mean you can happily use a smartwatch instead? Greenslips.com.au investigates. Read More

fraud cyberattack

Usage-based insurance improves your driving

IHS Automotive predicts 142 million people worldwide will have usage-based insurance (UBI) by 2023, compared to 12 million today. In Australia, it is still early days for UBI or pay-as-you-go car insurance. But vehicle owners who use telematics will have more control over their premiums by showing insurers how, where and how often they drive. Read More


The changing role of car dealerships

Buying a new car is a very different process from what it used to be. Online shopping sites have not only put retailers out of business, but created new expectations about how we buy cars. In Australia, there are 3,500 dealerships, some owned by families and some by larger businesses. Is there still a role for the dealership? Read More

hype vehicle tech

Are self-driving cars all hype?

There is a lot of hype about self-driving cars. Yet it may be unrealistic to expect a car to be able to drive itself without any human intervention in any conditions. At the same time, humans are incredibly good drivers. They quickly develop the skills they need and can adapt to all terrains and weather conditions. So will cars really be able to drive themselves one day? Read More

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