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What to do about congestion

Whether they call it “traffic”, “jams”, “gridlock” or “congestion”, drivers everywhere are tired of it. Authorities in cities all over the world are trying to find ways to reduce it. Some take a supply approach – build more roads – and others take a demand approach – try to change the way people travel around. Read More

Dangers of programming satnavs

Around 450,000 drivers in Australia are using satnavs in their vehicles to find their way around. Others use GPS apps on their phones to find maps or to get directions. But not everyone knows the rules for using satnavs while driving – and just how dangerous their use can be.

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alcohol and drugs

Thieves like green cars and Commodores

The chances of getting your car stolen are greater than you think, especially if you have a green car or live in Victoria. The next most popular colour is black, especially if you own a large car, sports vehicle or light commercial.

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The cost of getting around in Sydney

The average household in Sydney pays more to get around by car and public transport than any others in Australia. They spend a whopping $22,238 per year and $848 more than last year commuting, which swallows 17.2% of their average income.

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At last save money

Flying cars – pigs might fly

Fans of The Man with the Golden Gun or Chitty Chitty Bang Bang remember the crazy appeal of a flying car. But the author Ian Fleming was not the only one with a wild dream. Uber, Google and the Airbus Group are already working hard to make that dream come true.

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appeal of motorcycles

Quad bikes are not toys

This year, five people have tragically died in quad bike accidents. Quad bikes or ATVs (all terrain vehicles) are often used on farms and not usually registered for sealed roads. Unfortunately, people use them in unintended ways or are too young or unfit to ride them safely. No wonder the NSW government wants to stop this worrying trend.

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Our love affair with SUVs and Utes

Australians have a love affair with SUVs and Utes, if sales of new vehicles in March are anything to go by. Of the 105,410 vehicles sold in March 2017, 60% of them were light commercial and sports utility vehicles. What’s more, three of the top 5 sellers were Utes:

congestion tax charging and tolls to reform

High tolls for trucks

Tolls for trucks are on the way up. Whether you drive a truck or a passenger vehicle, these tolls will hit your pocket eventually. As truck tolls cost three times more than light vehicle tolls, goods that trucks carry must become more expensive.

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own a car

Why insurers want your data

Many people have better things to do than fill in forms for the government, bank or insurer. But what if you didn’t have to give personal information because your insurer already has the answer? This is why green slip insurers would like access to your up to date data.

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Stopping at the scene of a crash

Imagine you are driving home along a motorway when you see a horrific crash ahead. There are two choices: you can stop and try to help or you can drive on. Most drivers decide not to stop and, even if they did, may be unsure what they are allowed to do.

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