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global emissions high performance

Driving after lockdown

The recent lockdown saw a huge drop in traffic on Sydney’s streets. There were only 65 million journeys, 43% less than the same period in 2019. No doubt traffic will build up again after lockdown. If surveys are right, many people have neglected to maintain their cars. Further, could the lockdown affect people’s driving abilities? Read More

joydriving manual

Death of the manual transmission

In 2020, only 5% of passenger cars and 1% of SUVs bought in Australia had a manual transmission. During 2019, even sales of electric vehicles were higher than sales of new manuals in the US. Electric vehicles are auto transmission only. It looks like we are witnessing the death of the manual transmission. Read More

road toll charge accident

What happens if I have an accident in another state or territory?

Having a road accident is always serious, no matter where it occurs. Your green slip covers you whether you have an accident in NSW or another state or territory. However, if you have an accident outside NSW, benefits for your injuries depend on where it happened. These benefits can be very much affected by whether it was your fault or not. Read More

driving skills speed

Up to speed

After being removed last year, fixed and portable warning signs for mobile speed cameras in NSW are coming back. The backflip comes after a public backlash and a whopping increase in fines. Even so, we know 98% of motorists don’t speed past mobile speed cameras. Does that mean 98% of Australians don’t speed at all? Read More

Mobile phone fines courteous

Are you a courteous driver?

We hear a lot about being a safe driver but not much about being a courteous driver. Perhaps the word “courteous” sounds too old fashioned, something to do with knights and ladies. But courtesy in driving may well be underrated on our roads. Read More

who is driving own fantasy

Do you want to own a driverless car?

We often hear driverless cars are the future of transport. But who will own them? There are three possibilities. You could subscribe to a driverless car for as long as you like. You could pay per use, like taking a taxi. Or it could be all yours. But do you want to own a driverless car? Read More

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