The jury is out: women are generally safer drivers. They have fewer road accidents so are less likely than men to be injured or die in one. Men are more likely to drive recklessly, choose racier vehicles and drive for work, often in more dangerous vehicles. However, the price of your greenslip depends on many more important factors than gender. Read More
Archive year 2021
Seven things you didn’t know about your car
Many people will be exploring their own state these Christmas holidays. With road trips on the agenda, here’s a chance to become a little more intimate with your car. Find out seven quirky things you didn’t know about cars. Read More
Should you share your car with your kids?
From an early age, children learn they must share their toys. Many parents feel uncertain about sharing the family car with their kids. Even so, buying them a car might not be the safest option. To share or not to share – we look at the pros and cons of sharing your vehicle with your kids, including the cost of greenslips. Read More
Everyone wants to go camping
In 2019, caravanning and camping became our favourite type of holiday. Half a million Australians say they plan to take a camping trip in the near future. It’s no longer just the grey nomads who are doing it. There are now more people with no kids or aged 20-29 than families and lots of keen first timers. Read More
What L and P platers need to know
Learning to drive is still a rite of passage for some. Even though young people tend to delay the day they start driving lessons, most will get their drivers licence eventually. Find out how you move from Ls to P1s and P2s in the graduated licensing scheme and finally, to the freedom of an unrestricted licence. Read More
Youi offers green slips in NSW
From 1 December 2020, Calculator will show prices from a new CTP insurer. Youi is the first insurer to join the CTP scheme for many years and the only new insurer since the scheme was reformed in December 2017. Read More
How do demerit points work?
Do you know how many demerit points you have? How many demerits apply for common driving offences in NSW? When double demerits apply? Many drivers don’t know. You can easily lose your licence by being unaware of when double demerits apply or how many demerit points apply for speeding, for example. Not only that, your greenslip premium could go up too. Read More
Who gets the speeding tickets?
Nearly half (45%) of all road deaths in NSW in the year up to August 2020 involved speeding. Did you know some people are more likely to speed than others? It depends on which vehicle they drive, what they do for a living, and whether they are male or female. Read More
The unintended consequences of driverless cars
Self-driving cars could be a life-changing and life-saving technology. But they will have to be 100% safe, very cautious and even dull. Like all new tech, self-driving cars will also have some unintended consequences. Read More
What’s the difference between comprehensive and CTP insurance?
It’s easy to confuse CTP insurance with comprehensive insurance but they are completely different. CTP is for people only and does not cover damage to any vehicles, yours or someone else’s. Comprehensive covers damage to your vehicle and others’ vehicles and property, but does not cover people. Read More
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