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Not so crash hot: NSW road toll

Nearly 350 people died on the roads in NSW last year, according to preliminary 2015 road toll figures from Centre of Road Safety.

Drinking and driving

  • The number of drivers affected by alcohol in a fatal crash fell 22%, compared to the 2012-14 average.

Younger drivers

  • One age group saw the biggest drop in death rates: 21-25 year olds
  • There were 26 deaths in 2015, compared to the average of 36 in 2012-14.

Men and women

  • There are still more males dying on the roads, compared to females
  • Out of 348 deaths on NSW roads, 240 were male and 108 were female
  • This means men were more than twice as likely to die on the roads as women
  • Female deaths were still 12.5% higher than the 2012-14 average.

Fatal crashes

  • There were 324 fatal crashes in NSW in 2015
  • Male drivers were involved in 78% of fatal crashes and female drivers in 22% of fatal crashes
  • This means male drivers were involved in more than three times as many fatal crashes as female drivers.

Pedestrians and motorcyclists

  • More pedestrians, passengers and motorcyclists died on NSW roads in 2015 than last year
  • Of all road users, motorcyclists had the second highest number of deaths after vehicle drivers, up 12% on last year
  • The highest increase in deaths was among pedestrians, up 48.7%, from 41 deaths in 2014 to 61 in 2015.

Metro v regions

  • The number of fatalities in metro areas increased 18% over the 2012-14 average, from 102 to 120
  • The number of fatalities in regional areas was 228
  • This means nearly twice as many people lost their lives on regional roads than metropolitan roads.

Insurance premiums

If you have experienced a crash, not only your life but your insurance premium may be affected.

Some of the factors insurers consider when setting your greenslip price are:

  • How many demerit points you have
  • Whether any drivers had an accident in the last 2 years in which they were at fault
  • Whether any drivers received a driving conviction or licence suspension in the last 5 years.

Find out more about how to get the cheapest greenslip.


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Corrina Baird

Writer and Researcher

Corrina used to lend her car to her kids and discovered what Ls, Ps and demerits mean for greenslips. After 20 years in financial services and over 9 years with greenslips.com.au, she’s an expert in the NSW CTP scheme. Read more about Corrina

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