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Strange driving offences

Roads and Maritime Services issues a long document – currently 13 pages and around 650 offences – that lists all the general driving offences in NSW. The list can change at any time. You may wonder just how many of these offences you know about.

Each offence carries at least a fine, from level 1 ($71) to level 17 ($3,610). More serious offences may also incur:

  • Demerit points, from 1 to 9
  • Double demerits during holiday periods.

What is the worst offence?

The worst offence carries a hefty fine of $3,610. This is when a corporation fails to supply the name and address of an offender caught on camera. Another serious offence is when a truck goes past a clearance/no-clearance sign on a bridge or tunnel – this costs $2,196 and 6 demerits.

If you ride a motorcycle with four or more unhelmeted passengers (and you are also bare headed), you will pay $1,665 and lose 9 demerits. It would certainly be a curious sight.

Also high on the list are:

  • Driving a car with a radar detector installed ($1,665 and 9 demerits)
  • Refusing to allow a police officer to inspect your alcohol interlock device (a vehicle with an interlock will not start unless the driver passes a breath test) – $1,665.

What is the strangest offence?

Perhaps the oddest is this one: a driver who splashes mud on bus passengers is liable for a fine of $71. Other strange ones include:

  • Use wheeled toy on road at prohibited time – $71
  • Ride bicycle in incorrect position – $71
  • Leave your car unattended without securing windows or locking doors – $106
  • Reverse vehicle further than necessary – $106
  • Interrupt passage of funeral procession – $106
  • Drive with part of body outside vehicle window/door – $319 and 3 demerits
  • Drive with somebody in the boot – $319 and 3 demerits
  • Drive into path of approaching tram – $319 and 3 demerits
  • Drive with a person or animal in your lap – $425 and 3 demerits

Finally, you must not drive a vehicle with the sound system emitting “offensive noise”. This costs $200 and 2 demerit points. We are wondering which radio station would qualify for this offence.

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Corrina Baird

Writer and Researcher

Corrina used to lend her car to her kids and discovered what Ls, Ps and demerits mean for greenslips. After 20 years in financial services and over 9 years with greenslips.com.au, she’s an expert in the NSW CTP scheme. Read more about Corrina

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