Any article on road safety always states the big three killers – speeding, alcohol and fatigue. Distraction by mobiles is another, but there are no solid figures. So far, nobody has looked at the contribution of impatience. Impatience could be the cause or the result of all four killers. Read More
Articles by Corrina Baird
Corrina Baird
Writer and Researcher
Corrina used to lend her car to her kids and discovered what Ls, Ps and demerits mean for greenslips. After 20 years in financial services and over 9 years with, she’s an expert in the NSW CTP scheme. Read more about Corrina
Do you need reminding when your rego is due?
The NSW government reaped more than $240 million in the past 6 years from fines for driving unregistered vehicles. Since registration stickers were phased out in 2013, many drivers just have no idea when their rego is due. Read More
Bertie, Bumble, Betsy and The Beast
The Summer holidays have arrived and that means many of us will be doing a lot of driving. It’s also a good time to introduce some lightheartedness. Did you know many people, especially Baby Boomers, like to name their cars? We also tend to choose colours that link to our age and gender. Remember also, cars get hot in Summer so here are some tips for keeping cool. Read More
How much are you influenced by car ads?
If we were not influenced by car ads, the industry would not pay for them. It’s the fourth largest spender in Australia on TV advertising ($341.5 million in 2016). However, some ads walk a fine line between promoting an exciting car and encouraging speeding or reckless driving. This is where the Advertising Standards Bureau (ASB) steps in. Read More
What we do behind the wheel half the time
Australian drivers are distracted while driving for nearly half the time, in fact, roughly every minute and a half. Only 5% of us do nothing except concentrate on the road ahead. While researchers are shocked by these results, there is a paradox going on here. Road safety authorities are worried about distraction, but governments and businesses are finding more ways to distract us. Read More
Do you leave your keys in the car and walk away?
Everyone tells you what might happen if you leave your keys in the car and walk away. Someone says they always do it and nothing ever happens. But Budget Direct claims 18% of car thefts happen when keys are left in the ignition. Meanwhile, the Australian Road Rules take a clear position on leaving your keys in the car – don’t do it. Read More
Dash cams and your insurance
Earlier this year Citroen started selling the first car in Australia already fitted with a dash cam. It may be a sign of things to come. In case of an accident, a dash cam can prove more easily what happened and who was responsible. But so far, owners of dash cams cannot get cheaper compulsory third party or other vehicle insurance. Read More
Why driverless cars are not really autonomous
Driverless cars are going to free us up. No more tedious driving tasks. But what does it really mean to give up control? We don’t know. In fact, we could be giving up our autonomy in more ways than one. Read More
The war between drivers and cyclists
Some drivers don’t like sharing the roads with cyclists. Some cyclists feel the same about sharing the roads with motorists. It seems there’s a war going on between them, which makes the roads more dangerous for everyone. Read More
The problem of who is driving
In the old days people used to joke about backseat drivers telling them how to drive. Now the joke’s on us as the vehicle itself starts taking over. Even so, while these autonomous technologies may give drivers a sense of security, they still aren’t reliable enough to use without a driver. This will raise the new problem of just who is driving. Read More
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