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Corrina Baird

Writer and Researcher

Corrina used to lend her car to her kids and discovered what Ls, Ps and demerits mean for greenslips. After 20 years in financial services and over 9 years with greenslips.com.au, she’s an expert in the NSW CTP scheme. Read more about Corrina

digital drivers licence

Time to disable mobile phones in cars

Most drivers know the importance of keeping their eyes on the road. Even at only 60 kmh, if you look at your phone for only 2 seconds, you travel 33 metres blind. Too many drivers regularly travel blind because they use mobile phones.

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Mobile phone fines courteous

All blame and no responsibility

It seems to be a quirk of human nature – when something goes well, we take the credit for it. But when it turns sour, we pin the blame on something outside ourselves. It could be other people, unexpected circumstances, or even the road.

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Stop hospital passes on country roads

Did you know you’re five times more likely to be killed on country roads than in the city? During 2016, 254 people lost their lives on NSW country roads. In fact, somebody is killed or seriously injured in a crash in the country every 85 minutes. In Dubbo and Mudgee alone, 12 people died in car crashes in 2016.

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Car debts are up, up, up

If you recently borrowed money to buy a brand new car, you’re in good company. In four years to May 2016, financing for new vehicles doubled. Car loans now make up 60% of all loans, in fact, Australians are bingeing on car buying.

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People buy used cars without checking

Are you considering buying a used car? A car purchase is usually one of the biggest you make but it is surprising how few people check the vehicle fully before they buy it. In fact, the most common nasty surprise Australians get is someone owes money on the vehicle – and unfortunately that’s now you.

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Sleepy drivers crash more

Too many Australians are falling asleep at the wheel and even more are driving while drowsy. Until recently, it was difficult to identify whether or not a driver was drowsy. Victorian researchers are now developing a test, using smart glasses, which is able to measure eyelid movements and blinks.

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Driving cars out of cities

There may come a time when cars are no longer welcome in most cities. Already there are signs around the world this is starting to happen. The question is whether or when Sydney will stop its love affair with the car.

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driving skills speed

High on hydrogen

The car industry, like many other industries, is going through rapid and exciting technological change. With self-driving cars, fuel cells, electric charging stations or “mobility as a service”, the nature of driving is going to change. One of the latest innovations is using hydrogen for fuel.

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