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Corrina Baird

Writer and Researcher

Corrina used to lend her car to her kids and discovered what Ls, Ps and demerits mean for greenslips. After 20 years in financial services and over 9 years with greenslips.com.au, she’s an expert in the NSW CTP scheme. Read more about Corrina

How is your green slip premium spent?

Each time you pay for your green slip, do you wonder exactly how your premium is spent? Motorists buy a green slip to pay for others who are injured or killed in a motor accident. Like any type of insurance, they do not know if they will ever have to make a claim.

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Bad driving habits to unlearn

Many drivers would agree that other drivers have annoying bad habits when behind the wheel. On any journey, whether it’s round the suburbs, a long trip interstate, or a late-night dash to the petrol station, there’s always somebody doing something stupid or dangerous on the road.

Those of us who are perfect drivers just can’t help noticing the bad habits of others.

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Do you really know the road rules?

Most drivers probably think they know all the road rules in NSW – or at least, the ones they need to know. Yet it is not unusual for the driving basics to become blurry after a few years behind the wheel. As part of Road Rules Awareness Week, introduced in 2013, Transport NSW publishes a list of the top 10 most misunderstood road rules.

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Younger drivers are more at risk and pay more insurance

The main reason green slips are more expensive for younger drivers is because they are more likely to be involved in an accident.
  • Drivers 17 to 25 hold 16% of licences
  • More drivers 15-24 die in a road crash than any other age group
  • Drivers 17-20 are three times more likely than drivers over 21 and over to be involved in a serious crash
  • Far more males than females die in road crashes.

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Do you need a dashcam?

The way cars work has remained fundamentally unchanged since the internal combustion engine boldly took over from the horse. But radical new technologies continue to be added to our cars, such as GPS systems, parking sensors and now, dashcams. A dashcam might be exciting, but do you need one?

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Have your say

The year 2016 may be a time of change for the NSW green slip scheme. Already, three discussion papers have been published in quick succession. Now State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA), regulator of the green slip scheme, invites motorists and other interested parties to have your say about:

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Strange driving offences

Roads and Maritime Services issues a long document – currently 13 pages and around 650 offences – that lists all the general driving offences in NSW. The list can change at any time. You may wonder just how many of these offences you know about.

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Ask us anything about green slips

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