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Is driving on the left safer than on the right

It sure would be convenient if every country drove on the same side of the road. This would surely make it easier for tourists and stop them driving on the wrong side of the road. But is it safer driving on left?

However, it’s a fact that some countries drive on the left (74 countries) while others drive on the right (166 countries). Australia is among the minority of countries that drive on the left. The question then is whether driving on the left or right really makes a difference from a safety standpoint.

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Australian car sales results show positive signs

Article PhotoFor a number of months, the Australian car market has been struggling under the weight of poor consumer confidence. However, a recent announcement from the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) suggests the market is beginning to move in the right direction.

Local consumers bought close to 95,000 new passenger cars, SUVs and commercial vehicles in September. This represents an increase of 2.5 per cent over the same period in 2013.

It is interesting to note that this is the first positive result this year and signals the start of the warmer months where consumer are usually more willing to purchase a new vehicle.

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What is the most disliked road in NSW?

If every road was a dream, then we probably would have many less road rage incidents, accidents and congestion to deal with on an everyday basis. However, in reality, this isn’t the case and there are many disliked roads that really get us down.

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Australian car sales figures hit a rough patch

The Australian car market has hit choppy waters after the release of last month’s numbers.

According to statistics released by the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI), new car sales decreased 5.5 per cent in August 2014, compared to the same period last year. Just 88,157 new cars were sold – down from 93,336 in 2013.

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A focus on driver distractions

NSW’s “Get Your Hand Off It” mobile phone distraction campaign, in operation since June 2013, has already been credited with preventing many accidents. However, some powerful sporting stars have thrown their weight towards the campaign to give it another boost.

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Secondhand vehicles from overseas – not well received

Recent statistics indicate that the Australian car market is one of the most competitive in the world and is beginning to pick up after a number of slow months.

The Productivity Commission’s final report for its Inquiry into Australia’s Automotive Manufacturing Industry has been released. In the report, the commission said relaxing the restrictions on imported second-hand vehicles into the country would have a number of benefits to consumers including lower prices, improved features and greater choice.

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Australian car market in a world of its own

It seems that the Australian car market is in a world of its own, compared to the rest of the world.

For a number of years, the national market has been strong and despite the departure of several high-profile manufacturers, the momentum doesn’t seem to be slowing.

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Regional NSW infrastructure projects ramp up

Article PhotoNew South Wales’s ageing road infrastructure is an issue the state government is aware of and is actively upgrading. However, when it comes to safety, it often needs the assistance of the public to assess what is dangerous and needs to be fixed.

In the latest round of infrastructure upgrades, the government is inviting community members to submit their thoughts on the latest stage of the $48 million Bells Line of Road corridor improvement program.

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Vehicle sales hit June high after struggles

The latest car sales figures from the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) have been released.

According to FBAI, 118,309 vehicles were sold last month, representing a 25 per cent increase from May, although this was slightly down on June 2013.

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