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New ways to buy cars

Buying a vehicle is probably the second biggest purchase we make in life but it’s not always a positive experience. After all, there is a lot of pressure to make the right choice. Now there are new ways to buy new cars which could streamline the experience. One is buying new vehicles in shopping centres, just like other consumer products, and another is buying via a car company website.

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Every driver has a driving footprint

Everyone has their unique way of talking, sitting or walking and driving is no exception. Each person has their own style. You may be inclined to break hard going round corners, or to pull quickly away from traffic lights. Now researchers have created a new way of measuring and identifying your driving footprint – and it’s surprisingly accurate.

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Why 40 could be the new 50

You’ve probably heard 60 is the new 70, or 20 is the new 30, but it usually means looking younger. Now speed limits are doing something similar. Researchers from Queensland University of Technology are suggesting a new, local street speed limit of 40kmh – all over Australia.

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Cars are more affordable than you think

If you want the cheapest price in the world for a Volkswagen Golf 1.4, then book a plane ticket to India. You will pay the affordable price of $15,195. Of course, it does depend on your wages and cost of living. According to an Auto Express (UK) report, Australia is the third cheapest of 11 countries to buy an average car.

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More to buying a car than getting the best deal

A car is one of the biggest purchases many of us make, but it’s not always a satisfying experience. JD Power says 31% of new car buyers consider the deal to be the most important thing. But its recent sales satisfaction survey found buyers focused on deals are less satisfied than the industry average.

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We’re speeding up, not slowing down

More people died on NSW roads so far in 2016 than in 2015. A huge 41% of these tragic deaths were linked with speeding. In the year to June 2016, speed cameras caught 11% more motorists driving more than 45 kmh over the limit and 17% more of us driving 30-45 kmh over the limit. We are speeding up, not slowing down.

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It’s risky being a pedestrian

There’s a new breed of person on the streets these days. They are called Smombies, iWalkers or Petextrians, and you probably know who you are. It’s also becoming riskier to be a pedestrian. Tragically, 71 pedestrians have died in Australia in the 12 months to mid-October 2016, compared to the 2013-15 average of 40.

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Nobody likes tailgating yet we still do it

We think tailgating is one of the worst driver habits on the road, yet many of us do it. One reason is simply to stop other drivers taking a space in front of us. Of course, it’s not the only reason. When participants in a survey were asked why they tailgated, road rage and anger was the top response.

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Boom year for Australian car sales

Our last blog, Australians love their motorbikes, failed to mention they love their cars too. 2016 has been a boom year so far for new car sales, up 3.4% higher than last year. This is the best half-year result ever for the new car industry in Australia.

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