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Why you need the exact vehicle model variant

We constantly update the greenslips.com.au Calculator to reflect new prices or any new information that insurers require. For some vehicles and insurers, greenslip prices now depend on the particular variant of a vehicle model. This is why we ask you to select your vehicle model variant. Read More


20 years of greenslips.com.au – Part 2

This year, greenslips.com.au celebrates 20 years of being the most trusted source of information about greenslips. In our last blog, we looked at the first 10 years of greenslips.com.au. This is a timeline of the next 10 years. Read More

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How do I buy a green slip?

Fortunately, buying a greenslip is quite simple. Once you’ve chosen an insurer, you have a few easy ways to make a payment. greenslips.com.au gives you a few useful tips on how to buy a greenslip. Read More

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Do you want to own a driverless car?

We often hear driverless cars are the future of transport. But who will own them? There are three possibilities. You could subscribe to a driverless car for as long as you like. You could pay per use, like taking a taxi. Or it could be all yours. But do you want to own a driverless car? Read More

Ask us anything about green slips

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