CTP insurance Australia

How does CTP insurance work? – Part 2

You have to buy CTP insurance to register a vehicle in Australia. It protects you from having to pay out huge sums if your vehicle crashes and injures or kills someone. However, each state and territory has a different way of approaching CTP. We show how CTP insurance works in your state or territory. Read More

CTP insurance

How does CTP insurance work? – Part 1

You need to get CTP insurance to register a vehicle in Australia. It protects you from having to pay out huge sums if your vehicle crashes and injures or kills someone. However, each state and territory has a different way of approaching CTP. We show you how CTP insurance works in Australia. Read More

How to compare green slips for your ute

Do you need a green slip for your ute? For the first time, every new vehicle in Australia’s Top 3 sales in March 2023 was a ute: Toyota HiLux, Ford Ranger and Isuzu D-Max. This year, light commercials have 22.1%, SUVs have 55.1% and passenger cars only 18.7% of the new car market. Find out how to compare green slips for your ute. Read More

Green slip cheapest place

Do all greenslip insurers cover me if it’s my fault?

If you have a road accident and it’s your fault, are you still covered by a green slip? This is a good question. If you are at fault and make a claim, you are not covered to the same extent as someone who is not at fault. However, you are still at least entitled to 12 months of benefits. Read More

holiday questions

10 questions you asked us in 2022

Every day people ask us questions about the Calculator or green slips in general. This is the top 10 of questions in 2022. Of course, you can contact us anytime with a green slips question. Read More

parking spaces blogword


Just for a change, brings you a crossword. Doing a crossword is one way to spend the time on holidays – or after your first day back at work! Read More

thinking transfer

How do I transfer registration to NSW?

Do you need to transfer vehicle registration to NSW? You must do this within 3 months if you’ve moved here from interstate with an interstate vehicle. If you live in NSW but have just bought a vehicle registered in another state or territory, you need to transfer registration. Find out the simple steps to transfer registration to NSW. Read More

high cost of owning a car

Why do I need CTP if I have comprehensive insurance?

Even if you have comprehensive insurance, you still need CTP insurance because it’s mandatory and covers injuries or deaths in road accidents. Comprehensive insurance, which is optional, covers only property damage. Understanding the crucial differences between these two types of insurance helps you ensure complete protection on the road. We’ll explore why both are essential, what they cover, and how various factors, like your location and vehicle, influence your insurance premiums.
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congestion tax charging and tolls to reform

The high cost of travel: A congestion tax? Part 2

London was first to impose a congestion tax to enter the city. Now the NSW government is discussing ideas for a congestion tax in Sydney. It’s also considering road user charges based on how far you travel. If a congestion tax is coming, driving to work could get more expensive. Read More

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