congestion tax charging and tolls to reform

The high cost of travel: A congestion tax? Part 2

London was first to impose a congestion tax to enter the city. Now the NSW government is discussing ideas for a congestion tax in Sydney. It’s also considering road user charges based on how far you travel. If a congestion tax is coming, driving to work could get more expensive. Read More

road toll charge accident

Do we want road user charging?

The way we pay for roads hasn’t changed for a long time. Many experts have suggested it’s time to introduce road user charging. This means drivers pay for when, where and how much they use the roads. However, nobody is asking whether we actually want road user charging. Read More

congestion tax charging and tolls to reform

Why the congestion problem won’t go away

No other kind of transport yet matches the private car for convenience. This is the main reason why the congestion problem won’t go away. We can manage the problem but, to reduce or get rid of it entirely seems impossible. Experts suggest it’s time for a congestion charge. But is there a more creative way to limit congestion? Read More

parking spaces blogword

Look forward to more congestion

Road congestion is not only annoying but expensive, costing $16.5 billion in 2015 and forecast to nearly double by 2030. Some say autonomous vehicles (AVs) will help reduce congestion. But evidence suggests they could also make it worse. Without careful planning, we may even look forward to more congestion. Read More

commuting safe roads

Perhaps commuting is not all bad

A one-way commute in Sydney takes about 35 minutes. It might not seem that long. But it means the average worker spends 280 hours a year commuting – that’s 37 normal working days. Megacommuters will spend a lot longer travelling back and forth. Read More

congestion tax charging and tolls to reform

Congestion charging – no more rego?

Congestion charging could be the future of road pricing in Australia. Road congestion in Australian cities already costs about $16 billion a year, as well as non-economic factors like road rage, frustration and inconvenience. If drivers paid for their own use of roads, it could be fairer – even cheaper – than paying for registration. Read More

What to do about congestion

Whether they call it “traffic”, “jams”, “gridlock” or “congestion”, drivers everywhere are tired of it. Authorities in cities all over the world are trying to find ways to reduce it. Some take a supply approach – build more roads – and others take a demand approach – try to change the way people travel around. Read More


You didn’t imagine this – it is taking longer for you to drive to work. Sydney’s roads are becoming more and more congested, peak hour is stretching out, and upgrading roads only makes a short-term difference.

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