hype vehicle tech future self-driving

Do self-driving cars have a future?

The story of self-driving cars has not been quite the glorious chapter it was supposed to be. Some people claim the whole venture has failed miserably, in spite of costing tens of billions of dollars. Do self-driving cars have a future? Read More

who is driving own fantasy

Do you want to own a driverless car?

We often hear driverless cars are the future of transport. But who will own them? There are three possibilities. You could subscribe to a driverless car for as long as you like. You could pay per use, like taking a taxi. Or it could be all yours. But do you want to own a driverless car? Read More

drives itself

What do you call a car that drives itself?

The name you give something can change the way you look at it. If you think a car can drive itself, you expect it drives itself. While mainly says driverless, we also use autonomous, AVs, or self-driving cars. In fact, the name you give these cars matters more than you think. Read More

crash driving record

We will still crash in AVs

Our 2-part series in February 2020, Are driverless cars just another fantasy?, exposed some of the autonomous vehicle (AVs) hype. Now the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) in the US reports AVs may prevent only one third of crashes. It is the first study to question the bold claim that driverless cars will have zero crashes. Read More

better drivers human

Are driverless cars just another fantasy? Part two

As we wrote last week, there are two huge problems for programming driverless cars. One is, they may be safer than human drivers in the long-term but until then, they are considerably more dangerous than humans. Second, we want to program them to make decisions just like a human – yet we don’t want them to drive just like a human! Read More

who is driving own fantasy

Are driverless cars just another fantasy? Part one

You would think from everything you read and hear that driverless cars are inevitable. Carmakers have already spent billions developing them. But lately their message about driverless cars is changing. It could be a decade or more before they can drive on the roads. Some believe a truly driverless car are a fantasy and may never even exist. Read More

driving skills your dog

Perhaps we would rather drive ourselves

Think about how many human skills have been lost in the last century. It seems we are becoming less skilful and relying on experts to do things for us. A local business charges hundreds of dollars to service a bicycle. NRMA comes to change a tyre. Will we resist driverless cars because we don’t want to lose yet another skill? And what would we do instead – watch more movies? Read More

how we feel vehicle tech

How we feel about self-driving cars

A new worldwide study claims the Chinese feel most positive about self-driving cars. Brits are the most sceptical and Aussies are among the least optimistic. Less than half of Australians think they will make driving safer. Yet a CapGemini study claims how we feel about self-driving cars is mostly positive. Read More

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