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safer than humans

Self-driving cars don’t need drivers but they do need humans

There’s a clever twist in the self-driving car hype. First we hear self-driving cars will be safer than regular cars because humans are just too fallible. Then we hear we are crazy for thinking these vehicles will be safe without human oversight. As a result, it seems self-driving cars don’t need drivers but they do need humans. Read More

safety technology injured claimants

Drivers take risks with safety technology

The chances are many drivers don’t know much about how their car works. Newer cars use advanced driver assistance systems, such as automatic emergency braking (AEB), adaptive cruise control (ACC) and others. Unfortunately, drivers don’t understand what safety technology can and can’t do. They could risk their safety by relying too much on it. Read More

hype vehicle tech future self-driving

Are self-driving cars all hype?

There is a lot of hype about self-driving cars. Yet it may be unrealistic to expect a car to be able to drive itself without any human intervention in any conditions. At the same time, humans are incredibly good drivers. They quickly develop the skills they need and can adapt to all terrains and weather conditions. So will cars really be able to drive themselves one day? Read More

who is driving own fantasy

The problem of who is driving

In the old days people used to joke about backseat drivers telling them how to drive. Now the joke’s on us as the vehicle itself starts taking over. Even so, while these autonomous technologies may give drivers a sense of security, they still aren’t reliable enough to use without a driver. This will raise the new problem of just who is driving. Read More

parking spaces blogword

Look forward to more congestion

Road congestion is not only annoying but expensive, costing $16.5 billion in 2015 and forecast to nearly double by 2030. Some say autonomous vehicles (AVs) will help reduce congestion. But evidence suggests they could also make it worse. Without careful planning, we may even look forward to more congestion. Read More

safer than humans

Self-driving cars must be safer than humans

How safe should a self-driving car be? It’s an obvious question to ask but the answer is far less clear cut. Research suggests self-driving cars must be safer than humans. In fact, they may need to be four or five times safer than humans just to be accepted. Read More

how we feel vehicle tech

The safety (or not) of driverless cars

If we asked you to name one good reason for driverless cars, you would probably say safety. If 90% of crashes are caused by human error, eliminating humans should reduce the chance of crashing. In fact, experts say we could save 1.2 million lives each year because driverless cars are so safe. Read More

the driver

Change the law for driverless cars

If driverless cars are going to work on Australian roads, then we have to change many of our existing laws. For example, how do we define the driver? National Transport Commission (NTC) invited stakeholders to have a say on this crucial change coming to Australian roads. Read More

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