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Women are safer drivers

The jury is out: women are generally safer drivers. They have fewer road accidents so are less likely than men to be injured or die in one. Men are more likely to drive recklessly, choose racier vehicles and drive for work, often in more dangerous vehicles. However, the price of your greenslip depends on many more important factors than gender. Read More

in-car tech

Does in-car tech actually work?

New cars are packed with technologies to make driving safer and more comfortable. While some drivers have no idea about their in-car tech, others may rely on it too much. As new safety technologies in cars are mandated, it is important to ask whether they are doing the job properly. Read More

vehicle emissions

How to reduce vehicle emissions

Do you ever think about how much CO2 your vehicle emits? Maybe not, but did you know Australian cars use 23% more fuel than advertised? Now there’s a new voluntary CO2 Emissions Standard to help reduce vehicle emissions. Even so, it’s not there to tell Australians what to buy or carmakers what to make. Read More

car use

How has car use changed in 2020?

Have you become more attached to your car again? The mood today seems to have shifted back towards cars, away from public transport and rideshare. Although car use in Sydney dropped dramatically during lockdown, it has 90% recovered to normal. Is this a lasting trend or just a blip on the way to Peak Car? Read More

small car

You’re more likely to die in a small car

According to a US study, you are more likely to die driving a small car than a luxury SUV. This is alarming news for small car drivers, but it’s not the whole story. Many recent model small cars have lots of safety technologies and receive five-star ratings in crash tests. It all depends on how you measure safety. Read More

ownership theft

Stop your car being stolen

Every 10 minutes somebody in Australia steals a vehicle and one in three owners never sees their car again. One great way to prevent theft is to store keys away from windows and doors but two in five people don’t bother. Be more vigilant if you own a Holden Commodore, live in Northern Territory or go out on Friday nights. Read More

truckies dangerous

How gender makes a difference to road safety

Men have much more chance than women of dying or being seriously injured in a road crash. A UK study suggests men have a higher chance than women of hurting other road users too. They also drive dangerous vehicles with more chance of hurting other road users. Is there too much pressure on men who drive for work? Read More

subscription passenger car

Are subscriptions the end of ownership?

Not so long ago it would have been unthinkable to subscribe to a car. Yet Frost & Sullivan claims by 2025 nearly 10% of new car sales in Europe and the US will be part of a subscription. Many dub this “the Netflix” of cars. But this implies cars are just another form of entertainment. Is that really true? Read More


Sedans could make a comeback

Nearly half of new car sales in February 2020 were SUVs, a sign of Australia’s preference for high riding. Passenger vehicles trailed behind, with just over a quarter of sales. Even so, there are a few signs sedans will make a comeback. Read More

car theft buy a car

Is 2020 the best time to buy a car?

Until things turn around, right now may be a very good time to buy a car. Australia’s car industry has suffered 24 consecutive months of falling sales. Only during the GFC in March 2009 were new car sales lower than in March 2020. We even saw the end of that Aussie brand, Holden. Read More

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