speeding hurts run a car

How much does it cost to run a car in Sydney today?

Owning a car in Sydney is a sizeable financial commitment, making it the most expensive city in Australia for car owners. The biggest expenses—car loans, fuel, and tolls—can add up quickly. If you’re financing a car, your weekly costs could be up to 56% higher than someone without a loan. So, what does it truly cost to run a car in Sydney, and how can you manage these expenses effectively? Read More

Compare prices

How do you compare greenslip prices?

Have you just received your registration renewal? Now is the time to compare green slip prices. Your cheapest insurer last year may not be the cheapest insurer this year. Calculator helps you compare all 6 greenslip insurers in NSW. Read More

vehicle model variant to register

How to find your vehicle model variant

Not knowing your vehicle model variant is more common than you might think. However, greenslip prices from some insurers depend on knowing the exact vehicle model variant. Find your vehicle model variant in 3 steps. Read More

Have you used our greenslip calculator?

You may be a regular visitor to to compare the cheapest prices for a greenslip in NSW. All calculations on are anonymous. We have analysed our greenslip calculator visits during 2023 to see what our typical visitor may look like. Read More

What you may not know about NSW registration

NSW vehicle registration rules can be more complex than they appear. From the costs of a 6-month registration to what happens when your registration is cancelled, many details might surprise you. This guide explores less-known aspects of NSW vehicle registration, including the renewal process, grace periods for expired registrations, and requirements for pink slips. Stay informed to avoid unexpected penalties and ensure your vehicle stays roadworthy and legal.
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4 ways to remember demerit points

How to remember your rego

In 2021-22, police used number plate recognition to catch 60,500 people in NSW who were driving unregistered. Some of them might not have known they were unregistered but unfortunately, that’s no excuse. Luckily, there are good ways to remember your rego. can send out an email reminder or a registration reminder sticker for your windscreen. Read More

cost of running car

How much does it cost to run a car in Sydney?

Sydney is Australia’s most expensive city to run a car. The top 3 highest costs for an owner are car loans, fuel and tolls. If you have a loan, it could cost you 56% more every week to run a car than someone without a car loan. How much does it cost to run a car in Sydney? Read More

thinking transfer

How do I transfer registration to NSW?

Do you need to transfer vehicle registration to NSW? You must do this within 3 months if you’ve moved here from interstate with an interstate vehicle. If you live in NSW but have just bought a vehicle registered in another state or territory, you need to transfer registration. Find out the simple steps to transfer registration to NSW. Read More

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