top 10 demerit points

Top 10 tips on demerit points

Demerit points are one measure of unsafe or unlawful driving so it’s worthwhile knowing all about them. Did you know they can push up the price of your green slip for 3 years? Here are our top 10 tips on demerit points. Read More

avoid getting demerit points

How to avoid getting demerit points

The best way to avoid getting demerit points is to follow the road rules. Many common traffic offences incur demerit points. During double demerit periods, you get twice the usual number for speeding, seatbelt, motorcycle helmet and mobile phone offences. Being well informed helps you avoid getting demerit points. Read More

demerit points really cost

What demerit points really cost you

The real cost of having demerit points on your licence is higher than you think. Did you know each demerit point you incur lasts for 40 months? This means you could reach the limit and lose your licence. You could also pay up to a third more for your greenslip for 3 years. Read More

road rage safer drivers

Are women safer drivers than men?

Research shows women are safer drivers than men. They are less likely to die on the roads, take risks, drink drive or break the road rules. Yet this doesn’t mean their motor insurance is necessarily cheaper. In fact, men and women with the same details pay the same for a green slip. Read More

driving skills in modern cars

Are driving skills getting worse in modern cars?

Modern cars are brimming with new technologies to make the process of driving easier and safer. At the same time, are they breeding a false sense of security? We look at how modern cars may be better designed, but our driving skills could be getting worse. Read More

young people, learner drivers

Green slips for young drivers

Green slips for young drivers are expensive. They are new to the roads and lack of experience can be life threatening for them. In fact, road deaths in this age group are on the rise. By driving safely each year, young people should see the price of their greenslip come down. Read More

average speed cameras

Is it time for average speed cameras in NSW?

There has been a recent, unacceptable increase in road trauma in NSW. In February 2024, the government held a Road Safety Forum to explore what could be done about it. One idea was popular – use average speed cameras for light vehicles as well as trucks. Has their time come at last? Read More

courteous driver

How to be a more courteous driver

If you drive a lot, the chances are you appreciate it when other drivers are courteous towards you. Courteous driving is more than just following the road rules. In fact, there are some unwritten road rules that help to make everyone’s drive more enjoyable. Read More

young people, learner drivers

How parents can help their learner drivers

Parents may dread or welcome the day their young adult wants to learn to drive. The process of learning to drive can be long, expensive and emotional. Find your way through L plates to P plates and help your learner drivers come out safely on the other side. Read More

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