Get the cheapest greenslip for a motorcycle in 2025

greenslip for a motorcycle

Do you need a green slip for your motorcycle in 2025? Motorcycle green slips can be costly because riding a motorcycle is risky. Riders have a higher chance of serious injuries or death in a road accident. Find out how much it could cost you to buy a greenslip for a motorcycle.

Why are greenslips for motorcycles expensive?

Motorcycle riders have a greater chance of dying on the roads. While motorcycles are only 3.8% of registered vehicles in NSW, riders make up a fifth (19.4%) of deaths as at October 2024.

These extra risks of riding are reflected in motorcycle green slip prices for all riders.

1. How much is a motorcycle green slip for a young or older rider?

First, we calculated green slip prices for a motorcycle rider, 26 and 45, on a fully insured 726cc to 1125cc motorcycle in the Sydney Metro area (1 December 2024):

  Metro motorcycle green slip
Age   Price range Save
26     $719-$725 $6
45     $487-$724 $237

The 26-year-old pays nearly the same high price for every insurer green slip but the 45-year-old can save $227 by buying the cheapest green slip.

Next, the cost of a greenslip for a motorcycle depends on whether you are a ‘good’ rider, eg, fully insured with no demerits, or a ‘bad’ rider, eg, uninsured with demerit points.

2. How much is a motorcycle green slip for a ‘good’ rider?

Second, we calculated green slip prices for a ‘good’ rider, 45, on a fully insured motorcycle in the Sydney Metro area (1 December 2024):

  Metro motorcycle green slip
Engine size   Price range Save
Under 225cc/electric    $137-$172 $6
226cc to 725cc   $381-$506   $125
726cc to 1125cc $487-$724 $237
1126cc to 1325cc $662-$956 $294
Over 1325cc $539-$757 $218

Owners with the second most powerful engine, 1126cc to 1325cc, pay the most. They can save $294 by comparing and buying the cheapest green slip.

3. How much is a motorcycle green slip for a ‘bad’ rider?

Third, we calculated green slip prices for a ‘bad’ rider with demerit points, 45, on an uninsured motorcycle in the Metro area (1 December 2024):

  Metro motorcycle green slip
Engine size   Price range Save
Under 225cc/electric    $161-$172 $11
226cc to 725cc   $475-$507  $32
726cc to 1125cc $680-$725 $45
1126cc to 1325cc $897-$958 $61
Over 1325cc $711-$759 $48

If you own a motorcycle with the second most powerful engine, 1126cc to 1325cc, you pay the most. You can save $61 by comparing and buying the cheapest green slip.

Next, the cost of your greenslip for a motorcycle depends on where you live. Metro prices are higher than Country prices because that’s where most serious injuries occur.

4. How much is a greenslip for a motorcycle in a Country area?

Last, we calculated green slip prices for the same ‘good’ rider living in a Country area:

  Country motorcycle green slip
Engine size   Price range Save
Under 225cc/electric    $95-$119 $24
226cc to 725cc   $214-$282 $68
726cc to 1125cc $349-$482 $133
1126cc to 1325cc $471-$683 $212
Over 1325cc $620-$826 $206

Owners with the most powerful engine, over 1325cc, pay the most in a Country area. You can pay up to $206 more for a motorcycle green slip so always compare prices first.

FAQs about a greenslip for a motorcycle

1. How are green slip prices set for motorcycles?

Insurers set prices for motorcycles on the basis of geographic (rating) region, rider age, driving record, claims history and whether or not there is a pillion passenger. They also consider engine capacity (including electric).

The regulator (SIRA) sets five classifications of engine capacity:

  • Under 225cc and electric motorcycles
  • 226cc to 725cc
  • 726cc to 1125cc
  • 1,126cc to 1325cc
  • Over 1325cc.

You can find other factors they use in How insurers set greenslip prices.

2. Can novice motorcycle riders choose any engine size?

No, novice motorcyclists can’t choose any engine size they like. Certain motorcycles with these features are approved for L, P1 and P2 riders:

3. Are young bike riders more at risk?

Yes, in the last decade, young male riders 20-29 were most likely to die:

  • 142 riders 20-29 died in motorcycle crashes (63 more than riders 30-39).
  • 138 were men and 4 were women.
  • A third of deaths in this group were riders on L or P plates.
  • Nearly two thirds were on regional roads.
  • More than half of deaths were caused by running off the road at a curve or crashing into a tree or bush.

4. Do all green slips for motorcycles provide the same cover?

Yes, all green slips for motorcycles (and other types of vehicle) must by law provide the same cover. None of the insurers offers any extra features, such as At-Fault Driver Cover, with motorcycle green slips in NSW. However, insurer prices are competitive for motorcycle green slips.

Always compare prices before you buy a greenslip for a motorcycle.

author image

Corrina Baird

Writer and Researcher

Corrina used to lend her car to her kids and discovered what Ls, Ps and demerits mean for greenslips. After 20 years in financial services and over 9 years with, she’s an expert in the NSW CTP scheme. Read more about Corrina

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