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Green slip prices depend on where you live

When you buy CTP green slip insurance, the premium you pay depends on many factors. One important one is where you live. We explore how where you live affects the cost of your green slip.

What are rating regions?

One big factor in green slip prices is geographical zone or rating region. Insurers have to set greenslip prices on the basis of rating regions. State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) allocates these regions, not the insurers.

NSW is divided into 5 geographic areas:

  • Metropolitan
  • Outer Metropolitan
  • Newcastle and Central Coast
  • Wollongong
  • Country.

Each postcode is allocated to one of these rating regions. However, some postcodes are split between 2 regions.

Do you live in a split postcode?

Some suburbs share the same postcode but don’t sit easily in one region. Consequently, 5 postcodes are split between 2 regions:

2083 – Metro (eg, Brooklyn) or Newcastle/Central coast (eg, Mooney Mooney)

2560 – Metro (eg, Campbelltown) or Outer metro (eg, Appin)

2750 – Metro (eg, Penrith) or Outer metro (eg, Emu Plains)

2753 – Metro (eg, Richmond) or Outer metro (eg, Yarramundi)

2756 – Metro (eg, Windsor) or Outer metro (eg, Colo)

Given there are 5 regions, are there more deaths from road accidents in some regions than others?

More Australians die on country roads

Two thirds of Australians live in Metro areas, yet two thirds of deaths occur on remote and rural roads.

  • During 2021, the death rate in major cities was 2.0 per 100,000 people.
  • In remote areas it is 15.8.
  • In very remote areas, it is 30.4 (15 times higher than in major cities).

In NSW, the ratio is similar: 72% of road deaths are in the country. To put it another way, there are 2.5 times as many deaths in the country as in the city.

  Year to June 2022
Metropolitan 79 (28%)
Country urban and non-urban 205 (72%)
Total deaths 284

One reason is because country roads often have more dangerous conditions:

  • Drivers tend to travel at higher speeds.
  • Travelling distances are longer.
  • Roads can be potholed and unsealed with ragged edges.
  • Vehicles are more varied, such as heavy agricultural and mining vehicles.

Meanwhile, drivers on rural roads are more prone to accidents with wild animals. NSW roads are the most dangerous in Australia for animal accidents.

If two thirds of deaths are on rural roads, why do vehicle owners in Metro areas pay more for their green slip than those in Country areas?

Serious injuries on NSW roads

One possible answer is the rate of serious injuries rather than deaths. While currently 72% of NSW road deaths are in the country, 55% of serious injuries are in Metro areas.

  12 months ending 
December 2021
Metropolitan 1,964 (55%)
Country urban and non-urban 1,639 (45%)
Total serious injuries 3,603

People who are seriously injured in road accidents could need treatment for years or even for their lifetime. It could cost the insurer over a million dollars for a very seriously injured claimant.

This is why part of the cost of your green slip goes towards those with catastrophic lifetime injuries.

What is the difference between Metro and Country green slip prices?

According to greenslips.com.au research using a safe 45-year old driver of a popular 10-year old SUV:

  • All insurers charge 40% more for a green slip for an SUV in Metro areas than in Country areas.
  • A Metro ute driver could pay over twice what a Country ute driver pays for a green slip.
  SUV Ute
  Metro Country Difference Metro Country Difference
AAMI $545 $387 +40-42% $772 $372 2.1X
Allianz $430 $308 $743 $358
GIO $536 $381 $775 $373
NRMA Insurance $539 $381 $810 $391
QBE $420 $301 $653 $313
Youi $417 $299 $649 $311
Average $481 $343 $734 $353

* Green slip prices from www.greenslips.com.au in August 2022.

It is clear that moving from one suburb to another in a different rating region will affect the price of your green slip. If you want to see how green slip prices differ across NSW, then use the greenslips.com.au calculator.

Remember there are many other factors that affect the price of your green slip.

Also see Where you live affects your green slip price.

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Corrina Baird

Writer and Researcher

Corrina used to lend her car to her kids and discovered what Ls, Ps and demerits mean for greenslips. After 20 years in financial services and over 9 years with greenslips.com.au, she’s an expert in the NSW CTP scheme. Read more about Corrina

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