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Green slips for under 27 year olds

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Are you under 27 and need a green slip for your car? The chances are you could spend more on a green slip than an older driver spends. Are there any ways under 27s can save money? Yes, use the greenslips.com.au Calculator to compare prices for your green slip.

Why do green slips cost more for under 27s?

Green slips for under 27 year olds cost more because their chances of having a road accident are higher. Young drivers lack experience, tend to drive older cars, and may be subject to peer pressure and risk taking.

While young drivers under 26 are 14% of all licence holders, they make up nearly a fifth of all road deaths and 18% of serious injuries in NSW.

L-plate drivers are among the safest because they are being supervised. Once learners pass their test, they go on P1 plates and can drive alone:

  • P1-platers are only 2.1% of all drivers but represent 20% of deaths and die at twice the rate of all drivers.
  • A new P1-plater is 33 times more likely to crash than a learner, but their risk of crashing halves 6 months after they get their P1.

Given the extra risks of insuring young drivers, the cost of a green slip is usually higher.

How much will I spend on a green slip?

To find out out how much you could spend, use the greenslips.com.au Calculator. Certain questions are particularly relevant to under 27 year olds:

  • Owner’s age
  • Youngest driver’s age
  • Youngest driver’s gender
  • Do any drivers hold a provisional licence? (exclude L plates)
  • How long has the least experienced driver held a licence (not including L plate)?

We used the calculator for an example young driver of an insured 2015 Hyundai i30 in the Metro area, as at 1 December 2023. We found prices for an 18-22 year old on P plates only, and for ages 23-27, prices are for P plates or a full licence.

Driver Greenslip price range
18-22, P plate  $733-736
23-26, P plate $715-736
23-26, full licence  $659-736
27, P plate  $511-736
27, full licence   $443-736

These prices show some insurers become more competitive with driver age and a full licence, while others still charge at the top of the range.

Under 27s should always compare prices using the greenslips.com.au Calculator to avoid paying too much for a green slip. This is one way to save money.

Drive the newest car possible

Another way to reduce the cost of your green slip is to drive the newest car possible. Newer cars have more safety features, such as automatic emergency braking and lanekeeping assist, and are less liable to crash than old cars. Evidence shows 43% of cars driven by young drivers in fatal crashes are over 15 years old.

We repeated the greenslips.com.au calculation for a 23 year old driver of the 2022 model and the price range was $586-$736 for P plates or a full licence. However, certain insurers differed in how they priced P plates or full licences:

  • P plater could save up to $129 by comparing insurers.
  • Full licence holder could save up to $73 by comparing insurers.

Young people can’t help being young, but can be encouraged to drive a newer, safer vehicle, if possible.

Other ways to save money, if not now but in the future, are to maintain a clean driving history with no traffic offences, demerit points, or insurance claims.

Always compare prices to get the cheapest green slip for under 27 year olds.

author image

Corrina Baird

Writer and Researcher

Corrina used to lend her car to her kids and discovered what Ls, Ps and demerits mean for greenslips. After 20 years in financial services and over 9 years with greenslips.com.au, she’s an expert in the NSW CTP scheme. Read more about Corrina

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