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How to remember your rego

4 ways to remember demerit points

In 2021-22, police used number plate recognition to catch 60,500 people in NSW who were driving unregistered. Some of them might not have known they were unregistered but unfortunately, that’s no excuse. Luckily, there are good ways to remember your rego. greenslips.com.au can send out an email reminder or a registration reminder sticker for your windscreen.

Four ways to remember your rego

  1. Use the Service NSW free registration check.
  2. Opt in for digital vehicle registration.
  3. Ask for an email reminder from greenslips.com.au.
  4. Order some registration reminder stickers from greenslips.com.au.

Use the Service NSW free registration check

Service NSW provides a free registration check for currently registered vehicles. All you need is the plate number of your vehicle to find out:

  • The green slip insurer
  • When registration is due
  • Registration status
  • Any restrictions on registration
  • Any concessions
  • Recent odometer reading.

You can use the registration check to find the registration status and odometer reading of other vehicles, for example, a used car you want to buy. Remember, this service does not provide the name or address of the owner and works only for vehicles currently registered in NSW.

Opt in for digital vehicle registration

If you have a MyServiceNSW Account, you can opt in for digital vehicle registration. With digital vehicle registration, you receive 3 rego reminders by email and in your account:

  • 6 weeks before your rego expires
  • 2 weeks before your rego expires
  • 1 day after it expires.

Ask for an email reminder from greenslips.com.au

greenslips.com.au can send out one email rego reminder if you request it:

  • Use the greenslips.com.au Calculator to compare prices first.
  • Under your prices from each insurer, click the email result button.
  • Click email a rego reminder in the pop-up and enter your email address.

This reminder only happens once unless you request it again.

Order some rego reminder stickers from greenslips.com.au

When paper registration stickers were abolished in 2013, many people missed having a reminder on their windscreen. greenslips.com.au introduced rego reminder stickers in 2018. Our rego reminder stickers provide an easy way to remember and are:

  • designed for your windscreen but also work on the fridge, noticeboards or filing cabinets
  • easy to apply and easy to remove.

If you would like one or more rego reminder stickers, send us your physical address and we will send your stickers. You can order as many as you like.

author image

Corrina Baird

Writer and Researcher

Corrina used to lend her car to her kids and discovered what Ls, Ps and demerits mean for greenslips. After 20 years in financial services and over 9 years with greenslips.com.au, she’s an expert in the NSW CTP scheme. Read more about Corrina

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