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If calculator prices are different from insurer prices, what shall I do?  

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Thousands of NSW residents use the greenslips.com.au calculator every day of the year to compare green slip prices. What happens if the price quoted by the calculator is different to the CTP insurer quote? This should not happen. We explain why and what to do next.

Every green slip price is the regulated price

Every price in the greenslips.com.au calculator is the regulated price.

CTP insurers must first submit their prices to the scheme regulator before quoting that price. In fact, the scheme regulator is allowed to reject these prices if they don’t meet the standards of the NSW CTP scheme. No insurer, broker or agent can quote any price but the regulated price. This means wherever you get green slip quotes, they should be the same.

As long as the details you use in the greenslips.com.au calculator are the same as those used by insurers (or agent or broker), prices will be identical.

What do you do if prices don’t seem to match?

What to do if prices seem to be different

First of all, check your greenslips.com.au calculation to see if your details are accurate. Some questions are particularly important for pricing. Be sure to use the correct:

  • Vehicle type – Some SUVs are classified as light goods vehicles, not motor cars.
  • Vehicle variant – This is crucial and found on your registration renewal papers.
  • Age at registration commencement date – Using the wrong age may put you or the youngest driver into another price bracket.
  • Number of demerit points
  • Number of years of continuous relationship with NRMA – This is important for an accurate NRMA price.

If you still see a discrepancy in prices, you are welcome to email your greenslips.com.au reference number to us so we can investigate your calculation. The reference number of your calculation doesn’t identify you and can be used only on the greenslips.com.au site.

If you think the insurer is using incorrect or out of date information, you can contact them directly. However, insurers are unlikely to explain any differences between their prices and prices in the greenslips.com.au calculator. This is because they may not know:

  • How the greenslips.com.au calculator works
  • greenslips.com.au uses only regulated prices, not estimates.

Remember, green slip prices should be the same wherever you find them. Always be as accurate as possible with your information and check your details carefully. That way you can be sure to get accurate and cheapest prices from all six insurers, with no nasty surprises.

Also see Why there should be no price difference.

author image

Corrina Baird

Writer and Researcher

Corrina used to lend her car to her kids and discovered what Ls, Ps and demerits mean for greenslips. After 20 years in financial services and over 9 years with greenslips.com.au, she’s an expert in the NSW CTP scheme. Read more about Corrina

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