Save money on caravan rego and tolls

If you want to take your next holiday in a caravan, you’re not alone. The caravan and mobile home industry is certainly thriving now. Parents with young children are the single biggest group in the buoyant caravanning crowd. Find out how you can save money on caravan rego and tolls.

Boom in caravans and mobile homes

There are over 820,000 registered caravans and RVs in Australia, a 70,000 boost in the past 18-24 months. In fact, the caravan and mobile home industry was worth nearly $24 billion in the 2020-21 financial year.

Sales of new and used caravans, like other vehicles, are booming and can’t keep up with demand. Most caravan manufacturers are at least 12 to 18 months behind orders and this could continue for 4 or 5 years.

Caravan owners also need a fairly heavy vehicle to tow them. It’s quite a big investment to buy a caravan and a vehicle for holidays. Many new models can cost over $100,000.

It’s been a long time since grey nomads were the mainstay of caravanning. Now young families make up to half of caravanners, followed by the young/midlife group. Perhaps the pandemic has changed people’s views on where and how they want to travel. Regional holiday parks are being upgraded to cope with the big influx of people and to make the experience more compelling for everyone.

Road safety for caravans

According to Caravan Industry road safety research, there are some common themes in RV accidents:

  • RV crashes are most likely as drivers return from their holidays
  • Most crashes are in urban centres but most deaths are on regional roads
  • Crashes are most likely in the morning between 10am and noon
  • The most common reasons for a crash are rear ending (18%), turning (14%) and losing control (13%).

Driving a motorhome or towing a caravan is certainly a different kind of driving. For example, many new caravanners might not be familiar with towing. It’s worth learning about the rules of towing and how to master it.

Another concern is weight. Many caravanners don’t know they have exceeded the limits of their vehicle. Gross combination mass (total weight of vehicle and trailer), uneven distribution of weight, and heavy accessories can stretch safe limits. Drivers also need to know how the electric brake controller works and how to prevent trailer sway. If you do get sway, you have only 5 to 8 seconds before it is out of control.

Safe driving is paramount at all times, especially in a caravan.

Fortunately, caravan owners can get discounts on caravan rego and tolls.

Get a discount on caravan rego

It’s true that registering a caravan in NSW used to be pricey compared to other states . This was because they were based on vehicle weight and the extra damage that heavier vehicles can cause to roads.

Since 1 November 2018, you can get a 40% reduction on registering private towed caravans and purpose-built camper trailers up to 4.5 tonnes. If you are registering a caravan or camper trailer for the first time, it’s exempt from stamp duty.

Unfortunately, owners of motorhomes and campervans don’t receive these discounts.

Registering a caravan is similar to registering any other vehicle but you don’t need a green slip. This is because the green slip of the towing vehicle covers the caravan. You still need to get a safety check (pink slip) to register a caravan that is 5 years old or more.

Get a discount on tolls

Caravanners who need to pass through Sydney’s pricey toll network can get a discount on tolls. Class B tolls usually apply to heavier vehicles but, since 1 June 2020, drivers can pay the lower, Class A rate.

Drivers who have paid Class B tolls can claim a rebate for the difference between Class B and Class A toll fees for up to eight tolled trips per month.

They can claim the rebate for tolls on NorthConnex and WestConnex M5 East/M8, as well as other toll roads. It doesn’t apply to the Harbour Bridge or Harbour Tunnel, because there is no Class B rate.

  • Register for the toll relief scheme through your toll tag provider.
  • Claim the rebate within 12 months after receiving your toll statement.
  • Note, there is no rebate for motorhomes.

Remember, you pay caravan rego but the green slip of the towing vehicle covers the caravan. Compare the cheapest prices for greenslips for your vehicle.

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Corrina Baird

Writer and Researcher

Corrina used to lend her car to her kids and discovered what Ls, Ps and demerits mean for greenslips. After 20 years in financial services and over 9 years with, she’s an expert in the NSW CTP scheme. Read more about Corrina

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