Top 10 green slip questions you asked in 2024

green slip questions

Every January, we trawl through hundreds of emails and calls to find the burning green slip questions you asked us during the year. Some questions turn up again and again. In fact, the top 4 in this list of green slip questions appear every year.

1. What is the price of a green slip for a pensioner? ›

2. I’ve moved from interstate and want to register my vehicle ›

3. Why are your prices different from the insurers? ›

4. Can I cancel my green slip? ›

5. How do I get a refund if my car is written off? ›

6. What happens to my green slip if my kids occasionally drives my car? ›

7. I didn’t receive a green slip renewal notice, what do I do? ›

8. Can I pay with Afterpay or BPAY? ›

9. Can I pay for 3 months or monthly? ›

10. What does vehicle model variant mean? ›

1. What is the price of a green slip for a pensioner?

The price of a green slip is not reduced for a pensioner. While insurers use many factors to set green slip prices, being a pensioner is not one of them. However, you can still get a cheaper green slip with a good driving history and a reasonably safe vehicle. Some eligible pensioners can get free registration in NSW for one vehicle.

Everyone can use the Calculator to find the cheapest quotes.

2. I’ve moved from interstate and want to register my vehicle

When you move from interstate, you must transfer registration of your vehicle to NSW within 3 months. If you buy an interstate car, you have 14 days to transfer registration to NSW.

The first registration in NSW must be for 12 months but, after that, you can renew registration every 6 months. There are 3 steps:

  1. Organise a blue slip (safety and identity check) from an authorised inspection station in NSW.
  2. Compare prices and buy a green slip from a CTP insurer.
  3. Go in person to Service NSW with documents proving your identity, residential address in NSW and entitlement to register the vehicle. Service NSW automatically receives electronic copies of your blue and green slips but you may need to provide a hardcopy of your blue slip.

Finally, cancel registration in your previous state or territory. This will also cancel the CTP insurance from that jurisdiction.

3. Why are your prices different from the insurers?

Prices in the Calculator and prices from insurers should always match. This is because prices in the calculator are the same as those submitted by the 6 licensed insurers to the CTP regulator. In fact, wherever you find green slip quotes, they should always match when based on the same information.

Here are some troubleshooting tips if prices don’t match:

  • Take care when answering every question in the Calculator because even a slight mistake can generate the wrong prices.
  • Use exactly the same information in the Calculator as you give to the insurer. Check your green slip renewal notice to make sure the insurer has up-to-date information about you and your vehicle.
  • Using the wrong vehicle type is the most common mistake. For example, many large SUVs are classified as light goods vehicles, not motor cars. Check your rego renewal notice for the vehicle shape code
  • Check whether you have any demerit points and how many.
  • For NRMA Insurance quotes, it’s vital to know the number of years of continuous relationship with them.

If you have more questions, see: Why there should be no price difference.  

4. Can I cancel my green slip?

Yes, you can cancel your greenslip if:

  • you cancel registration of your vehicle
  • you’ve moved interstate, or
  • your vehicle is written off.

Service NSW issues a cancellation letter as proof for your insurer. Your insurer pays a pro rata refund on the remaining period of your green slip and may also refund some of the Fund Levy less an administration fee.

You can’t cancel your green slip in these cases:

  • You sold your vehicle – the green slip remains on the vehicle you sold (as long as the vehicle was registered).
  • You change your mind about your choice of insurer during the registration period.  

5. How do I get a refund if my car is written off?

If your insurer classifies your car as written-off, this is recorded on the NSW Written-Off Vehicle Register. You’ll be notified in writing that your car has been written-off and the registration cancelled.

  • Take the number plates to Service NSW within 14 days to complete the cancellation
  • The CTP green slip on the vehicle continues for 4 business days after the registration cancellation date.
  • Your insurer may pay a pro rata refund of any period left on your green slip less an administration fee.

6. What happens to my green slip if my kids occasionally drive my car?

If your kids occasionally drive your car, it may affect the price of your green slip. This is because insurers need to know the youngest driver’s age, gender and years of driving experience.

  • Learner drivers are considered safer than P platers, because an experienced driver supervises them.
  • Drivers on P plates are far more risky because they can drive alone or with potentially distracting passengers.

If you have more questions, see How parents can help their learner drivers  and More on what L and P platers need to know  

7. I didn’t receive a green slip renewal notice, what do I do?

You have 2 options if you didn’t receive a green slip renewal notice:

  1. Use the Calculator to compare prices from all 6 insurers and choose the cheapest insurer.
  2. Use Service NSW Check Rego service to find out your current insurer  and contact them for a renewal notice.

Remember, you don’t have to stay with your current green slip insurer.  

8. Can I pay with Afterpay or BPAY?

No, the NSW government does not allow payment of your green slip with Afterpay or BPAY. Afterpay and BPAY don’t currently provide real time payment, which means you can’t immediately register your car.

Money has to be paid in full for your CTP insurance policy to be valid.

9. Can I pay for 3 months or monthly?

No. There are only 2 registration periods for light vehicles in NSW: 6 or 12 months. Some other states and territories offer more options for registration. However, if you own a heavy vehicle or trailer, you have the extra option of 3 months.

Remember, the period of your greenslip must match the registration period. This means you have to buy a greenslip for 6 or 12 months. If you own a heavy vehicle or trailer, you have the extra option of a 3 month green slip.

10. What does vehicle model variant mean?

Many people are unsure about the meaning of vehicle model variant. It is an exact description of your vehicle but can look quite long and complicated. Here’s an example for a sports car sedan with 4 doors, 6 cyclinders, 2 litre engine, 4 speeds and automatic transmission:


You can work out your vehicle model variant by using:

  • your greenslip renewal or registration renewal notice
  • the free Check Rego service and
  • your own knowledge of the vehicle.

To ensure you get accurate green slip prices, always select the correct vehicle model variant rather than Unsure or Other.

Also see Top 10 greenslip questions you asked in 2023.

author image

Corrina Baird

Writer and Researcher

Corrina used to lend her car to her kids and discovered what Ls, Ps and demerits mean for greenslips. After 20 years in financial services and over 9 years with, she’s an expert in the NSW CTP scheme. Read more about Corrina

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