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What happens if I have an accident in another state or territory?

road toll charge accident

Having a road accident is always serious, no matter where it occurs. Your green slip covers you whether you have an accident in NSW or another state or territory. However, if you have an accident outside NSW, benefits for your injuries depend on where it happened. These benefits can be very much affected by whether it was your fault or not.

Benefits available if you have an accident in another state or territory

State and territory CTP schemes differ in the benefits they provide to people from interstate who have road accidents. In general, they provide:

  • Defined benefits for medical and rehab expenses and loss of income
  • Quality of life payments
  • Access to common law and lump sum payments
  • Ambulance services.

Note, all states and territories pay reduced benefits to someone who contributes to their injuries. If it was serious wrongdoing, such as criminal activity or intoxication, they may receive no benefits at all.

What happens if the accident is my fault in other states or territories?

Each state and territory CTP scheme has its own approach to fault. You receive benefits according to the laws of the state or territory where you have the accident. Some states and territories have fault-based CTP schemes and others are not fault-based.

Qld, SA, Tas and WA have fault-based schemes:

  • If you were not at fault, you are eligible for compensation.
  • If you were at fault, you are not eligible for compensation.

Vic, ACT and NT are not fault-based schemes:

  • You are eligible for some compensation, whether it was your fault or not.

Benefits available if you have an accident in another state or territory

Place of
Benefits available if it’s not my fault Benefits available if it’s my fault
Australian Capital Territory

Defined benefits for medical and rehab expenses and loss of income.

Quality of life payment.
Common law may be available.
Ambulance coverage.

Defined benefits for medical and rehab expenses and loss of income.
Quality of life payment may be available.
No common law available.
Ambulance coverage.
Northern Territory Defined benefits for medical and rehab expenses and loss of income.
No lump sum payments.
Ambulance coverage.
Defined benefits for medical and rehab expenses and loss of income.
No lump sum payments.
Ambulance coverage.
Queensland Lump sum payments depend on type and extent of injuries and circumstances. No benefits.
May be eligible for long-term care benefits for serious or catastrophic injuries. No ambulance coverage.
South Australia Lump sum payments depend on type and extent of injuries and circumstances.
Ambulance coverage.
No benefits.
May be eligible for long-term care benefits for serious or catastrophic injuries. No ambulance coverage.
Tasmania Defined benefits for medical and rehab expenses and loss of income.
Lump sum payments may be available.
Ambulance coverage.
No benefits.
No lump sum payments.
No ambulance coverage.
Victoria Defined benefits for medical and rehab expenses and loss of income.
Lump sum payments may be available.
Ambulance coverage.
Defined benefits for medical and rehab expenses and loss of income.
No lump sum payments.
Ambulance coverage.
Western Australia Lump sum payments depend on type and extent of injuries and circumstances.
Ambulance coverage.
No benefits.
May be eligible for long-term care benefits for serious or catastrophic injuries.
Ambulance coverage.

What about very serious injuries?

In case of catastrophic injuries, such as severe burns or loss of eyesight, you may be eligible for long-term care benefits. These benefits don’t depend on fault at all. All states and territories provide cover for people who suffer catastrophic injuries in an accident.

State Insurance Regulatory Authority suggests taking out health or travel insurance to cover personal injuries while travelling interstate.

Find out more about the CTP scheme in NSW or compare greenslip prices.


author image

Corrina Baird

Writer and Researcher

Corrina used to lend her car to her kids and discovered what Ls, Ps and demerits mean for greenslips. After 20 years in financial services and over 9 years with greenslips.com.au, she’s an expert in the NSW CTP scheme. Read more about Corrina

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