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Claims – Getting Advice

Entitlements, processes and disputes in CTP insurance claims in NSW

If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident in NSW, you should seek advice based on your injuries and on the specific circumstances of your accident.

Advice is important to help you understand your entitlements, the process to make a claim, time limits to submit claims and how to deal with decisions you want to dispute.


State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) is the government body responsible for managing the NSW compulsory third party (CTP) scheme. SIRA responds to general enquiries, questions about CTP claims and feedback or complaints about its service.

In case of a dispute with an insurer or medical provider, you can lodge a dispute form with the new Personal Injury Commission. Information on disputing a decision during the claims process is available on this site.


SIRA offers an advisory service, CTPAssist, to provide information and answer questions about claims under the 2017 CTP scheme, which commenced 1 December 2017. However, it continues to advise people who made claims under the old 1999 scheme.

CTPAssist can connect you with the relevant insurer, help fill in application forms, and provide support throughout the process of making a CTP claim.

Contact CTP Assist

Online: https://www.sira.nsw.gov.au/forms/Motor-accidents-claims-advice-online-enquiry-form
Phone: 1300 656 919
Email: ctpassist@sira.nsw.gov.au

Application forms

Application for personal injury benefits

Certificate of fitness for work

Application for damages

Application for funeral expenses

Application to compensate relatives

Accident notification form (accidents before 1 December 2017 only.)

Contact SIRA

Online: www.sira.nsw.gov.au
Phone: 1300 656 919 – 8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
1800 600 444 (to report fraud or non-compliance only)
Email: motor@sira.nsw.gov.au

Legal advice

It is no longer necessary for everyone injured in a motor accident to seek legal advice for a CTP insurance claim. This is because the new CTP scheme introduces fixed benefits for people with threshold injuries. This was designed to minimise time and money spent in the courts settling a claim.

Even so, you may want to consider getting legal advice based on your particular injury and circumstances. For example, in case of a dispute with an insurer or if you have more serious injuries and you want to make a claim for damages.

There are guidelines and caps on legal fees that may be charged. Lawyers will advise you what the limits are in your particular case.

Before seeking legal advice, please note:

  • A lawyer must advise fees in writing before they start working on your behalf.
  • A court can order you to pay the insurer’s legal costs, especially if you are not successful.
  • While the law fixes legal costs in some circumstances, lawyers are permitted to charge more if they have an agreement with you first.
  • Your legal costs may include legal fees and all expenses, such as medical reports.

Information in these tables is intended as a guide and for general information purposes only. It does not take into account your specific needs, objectives or circumstances, and is not advice. When making decisions about claiming, your insurance or any other matters, you must seek legal advice specific to your situation and you should not rely on these tables. While we use reasonable attempts to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the tables, we make no representation or warranting regarding the tables, to the extent permitted by law.

Claims Guide - more info

Disputing a decision >

How to handle different types of dispute in the process of making a greenslip claim. read more

Overview >

Learn about entitlements, making a claim, getting advice and disputing a decision. read more

Entitlements >

Your entitlement to benefits and damages under the NSW CTP green slip scheme. read more

Making a claim >

If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident, this is the guide to making a greenslip claim. read more