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CTP Care

Benefits for treatment and care beyond 5 years

CTP Care was set up to pay statutory benefits to people injured in a road accident who need treatment and care beyond 5 years.

Under the 2017 NSW CTP scheme, the CTP insurers manage all CTP claims and they pay statutory benefits for those claims. Since 1 December 2022, CTP Care has taken that role if the claimant obviously needs treatment and care benefits beyond 5 years.

  • CTP Care pays statutory benefits for treatment and care only.
  • Weekly payments for loss of income cease 5 years after the date of the road accident.
  • CTP Care does not assess or pay any claims for damages. If there are any outstanding damages claims, the CTP insurer continues to manage those claims.

When a claimant moves to CTP Care, the Lifetime Care and Support Authority (LCSA)  becomes their insurer. The LCSA takes responsibility for paying treatment and care statutory benefits.

The LCSA also runs the Lifetime Care and Support scheme (LCS) for people who suffer lifelong serious injuries in a road accident.

CTP Care payments

CTP Care pays these kinds of costs and others:

  • Medical treatment, including visits to the GP
  • Pharmaceutical items
  • Psychology
  • Physiotherapy
  • Exercise physiology
  • Travel to and from approved appointments.

Contact CTP Care on 1300 738 586 or by email.

Fund Levy

The Fund Levy pays for CTP Care as well as the LCS.

  • The levy pays for ambulance and hospital costs for all road accidents.
  • It is added to the insurer’s greenslip premium.
  • The amount of the levy depends on vehicle type and geographic region.

All green slip prices include the Fund Levy.

How it Works - more info

State Insurance Regulatory Authority >

Government authority responsible for the NSW CTP scheme. read more

Scheme changes 2009 and 2010 >

History of major changes to the NSW CTP scheme. read more

Motor Accident Authority >

Previous authority responsible for the NSW CTP scheme. read more

CTP insurance >

Why you need CTP insurance and how it works. read more

What is a greenslip? >

Find out exactly what is meant by a green slip in NSW. read more

Who and what is covered? >

Who and what is covered by your CTP green slip. read more

At-Fault Driver Cover >

What is At-Fault Driver Cover and which insurer offers it. read more

Setting prices >

How green slip prices are set and how you could reduce them. read more

Discounts >

Discounts and ways to reduce costs on other insurance products. read more

Demerit points >

How demerit points affect your driving licence and your greenslip read more

Youngest driver >

Youngest driver explained and how to reduce premiums. read more

Pensioner concessions >

What kinds of concessions you can claim as a pensioner. read more

Mythbusters >

Quickly separate the facts from fiction about CTP green slips. read more

Interesting statistics >

Statistics about motor vehicle accidents in the past year. read more

An explanation of the Fund Levy >

Cost of the Fund Levy and what it pays for. read more

Complaints >

How to make a complaint about your CTP insurer or SIRA. read more

Geographical zones >

Greenslip prices set using geographical zones by postcode. read more

Third Party Insurance Scheme >

The Third Party insurance scheme in NSW explained. read more

Lifetime Care and Support Scheme >

The Lifetime Care and Support scheme in NSW explained. read more

Injury claims >

What to do if you want to make a claim from your CTP insurer. read more