Compare greenslip quotes for all six greenslip insurers
Six insurers offer CTP green slip quotes in NSW.
Always compare quotes for all greenslip insurers, to be sure of getting the cheapest greenslip.
There are three ways to compare prices for all six greenslip insurers:
- Use the Calculator.
- Use the Green Slip Price Check operated by State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA).
- Contact each insurer directly.
Green slip calculators
Green slip calculators help you quickly find the cheapest CTP greenslip.
- Both calculators provide a price for 6 and 12 month greenslips from each of the six greenslip insurers, based on your vehicle and details.
- Both calculators provide insurer contact details.
- From each calculator you can contact the insurer of your choice to buy your CTP green slip.
Use the Calculator.
In addition to price, consider insurer availability for purchase by phone or in person. While all insurers are available online, call centre hours vary, some insurers do not have retail outlets and some do not operate through agents. We also provide information on At-Fault Driver Cover and any discounts which may be available to you.
Insurer CTP green slip quotes
Insurers also provide greenslip quotes. You can contact each insurer directly to get CTP green slip quotes in NSW.
The greenslips quotes provided by the insurers should match the prices provided by the SIRA Green Slip Price Check and our Calculator.
SIRA Green Slip Price Check
Prices used in our Calculator are taken from the SIRA Green Slip Price Check.
SIRA uses regulated prices provided by the insurers. If there is a difference, it is usually because details have been entered differently.
In case of a difference, you can talk to the insurer and if necessary discuss it with SIRA’s CTPAssist on 1300 656 919.