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Prices are available on any device at any time.

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Fuel price information

The NSW Government operates FuelCheck, an online tool for collecting and publishing real time standard retail prices for fuels sold at every service station in NSW.

Under the NSW Fair Trading Act 1987 No 68, NSW service station operators are required to be registered with FuelCheck. They must ensure the fuel prices in FuelCheck match the standard retail price of fuels on offer at their service stations, at all times.

The standard retail price is defined in the Act as the price per litre at which fuel can be purchased without any discounts or special offers. Prices displayed on bowsers or on display boards at service stations must be the standard retail prices, as submitted to FuelCheck.

This site displays standard retail prices, made available by the NSW Government.

We update the standard retail prices on this site every 20 minutes.

If the standard retail price displayed on this site varies from the price on display at a service station, check your device to ensure the data on your device has been updated. The issue may also be related to a weak internet connection which prevents prices being updated.

If there is a price mismatch, you can report it to Department of Customer Service, after discussing it with the service station operator.

Fuel - more info

Fuel Types >

Understand the different kinds of fuel types. read more

Our Fuel Promises >

Up to date fuel prices. Every service station in NSW. Every time. read more

NSW Service Stations >

Service station and fuel price listings by suburb and town. read more

Fuel Price Calculator >

Find your cheapest fuel. Real time prices. Search for prices. Set alerts. read more