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Green slip comparison

As well as the cheapest greenslip, consider other factors when buying your greenslip.

Look at any other features on offer from greenslip insurers: At-Fault Driver Cover, ease of purchase (online, by phone or in person) and any further available discounts.

The tables below help you compare these features for each greenslip insurer.

At-Fault Driver Cover ›

Buy online ›

Buy by phone ›

Buy in person ›

Terms and conditions ›

Discounts ›

Service NSW notification online ›

At-Fault Driver Cover

All greenslip insurers provide the statutory cover required under the Acts*.

One insurer, NRMA Insurance, offers an additional feature generally called At-Fault Driver Cover. Its Driver Protection cover provides benefits for drivers where the driver is injured and at fault in a road accident.

No insurer offers any other additional feature, except for At-Fault Driver Cover.

At-Fault Driver Cover was first offered under the old greenslip scheme. This is because the driver at fault in an accident was not covered to the same extent as other people, unless catastrophically injured. However, under the 2017 green slip scheme and since 1 April 2023, drivers at fault can claim statutory benefits for up to 12 months.

At-Fault Driver Cover is limited by policy wording and exclusion, specific injuries, and the amounts set out in the insurer’s schedule of benefits. The tables below show each insurer’s position, the schedule of benefits and some notable exclusions. Find more information on At-Fault Driver Cover.

Before buying a greenslip, always refer to the insurer’s policy document to understand the full terms applying to At-Fault Driver Cover.

Insurer Additional feature: At-Fault Driver Cover
ALLIANZ Since September 2021 Allianz no longer offers At-Fault Driver Protection insurance.
GIO None

Driver Protection Cover is automatically provided with NRMA Insurance green slips.
NRMA Driver Protection provides benefits to some drivers for certain serious injuries if they have a car accident that is their fault.
Certain drivers and vehicles are excluded from coverage so check the Driver Protection policy for limitations, exclusions and conditions. Notable exclusions from At-Fault Driver Cover are*:

Motor bikes
Goods carrying vehicles with a gross vehicle mass over 4.5 tonnes
Hire vehicle, taxis, tow trucks and buses

QBE None

*We have listed the exclusions which we think are notable. The insurer will reject payment on the basis of many other exclusions. Those other exclusions are listed in the insurer policy documents. For a full list of exclusions, refer to the policy document.

Schedule of benefits NRMA Insurance
Quadriplegia $500,000
Paraplegia $250,000
Total loss of speech $100,000
Total loss of hearing $100,000
Total loss of sight in both eyes $100,000
Total loss of sight in one eye $50,000
Loss of both hands and both feet $150,000
Loss of one hand and one foot $100,000
Loss of both hands or both feet $75,000
Loss of one hand or one foot $50,000
Loss of thumb and forefinger on one hand $25,000
Burns $20,000
Fractured pelvis $10,000
Fractured skull $10,000
Fractured spinal vertebrae $10,000
Death within 6 months of accident $25,000
Total benefits 16

NRMA Insurance pays only one amount:

  • If you suffer more than one injury (not quadriplegia or paraplegia), it pays a combined amount up to $150,000.
  • If you die, it pays only the death benefit (even if you suffered from one or more specified injuries).
  • If you are paid for any injury and later die as a result of injuries, NRMA does not pay the death benefit as well.

Buy online

All six insurers offer online quotes and purchase.

Buy by phone

All six insurers offer purchase by phone.

Insurer Phone number Available times
AAMI 13 22 44

8am to 10pm, 7 days

ALLIANZ 13 1000

8am to 6pm, Weekdays

8am to 5pm, Weekends

GIO 13 10 10

8am to 10pm, 7 days


7am to 10pm, 7 days

QBE 133 723

8am to 8pm, Weekdays

8am to 1.30pm, Saturday

YOUI 1300 004 007

8am to 4pm, Weekdays

Buy in person

Some insurers operate their own branch network and others sell through agents.

Access in person to buy a green slip can be restrictive, depending on the insurer and where you live.

Insurer NSW offices Opening hours Locations
AAMI AAMI does not distribute through brokers or agents, can pay at Post Office
ALLIANZ Motor dealers Many major motor dealers
GIO 30+ Weekdays, business hours

Check GIO site for branches and agents near you, can pay at Post Office


Check NRMA Insurance site for branches and agents near you, can renew at Post Office


QBE green slips are distributed through selected brokers and agents, including Post Office.

No payments accepted in person at QBE.

YOUI     None, can pay at Post Office

Terms and conditions

All insurers offer the same terms for greenslips. NRMA Insurance offers additional terms for Driver Protection Cover. To be allowed to issue greenslips, all greenslip insurers must provide the statutory cover required under the Acts*.

State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) monitors the performance of each green slip insurer.

No green slip insurer provides a schedule of Terms and Conditions or a Product Disclosure Statement for CTP green slips. NRMA Insurance provides a policy document for Driver Protection Cover.


Insurers determine greenslip prices, after consideration of many factors. These include location, vehicle and driver age, claims history and driving record. Insurers can charge premiums only on the basis submitted to SIRA and not rejected by SIRA.

Discounts for factors such as a good driving record and lack of claims are already reflected in the green slip price. This is as long as the price is based on accurate vehicle and owner characteristics.

Some insurers offer discounts on other insurance products if you buy their green slips. They offer discounts on certain insurances (such as comprehensive vehicle insurance) on the basis that a greenslip and other products are bundled with that insurer.

The table below shows a summary of discounts offered by each insurer on other insurance products. For more information on these discounts, check the insurer’s site or speak to your insurer.

Insurer Discounts on other insurance products

You can save $50 when buying a new comprehensive insurance policy or $20 when buying third party property insurance online.

There is no discount on your green slip.

GIO GIO offers 10% multi-policy discounts for 3 or more eligible policies.
GIO gives a 10% discount off your comprehensive insurance premium, if you buy online.
You may receive $50 off comprehensive insurance if you hold a GIO green slip.
Check the GIO site for full terms and exclusions.

NRMA Insurance now offers Our Customer discounts to replace Loyalty Discounts. Loyalty Discounts no longer apply for renewals after 1 July 2024, or new policies commencing on or after 21 April 2024.

QBE None

Service NSW notification online

All insurers notify Service NSW online when you buy your greenslip.

Subject to clearance of funds, Service NSW usually receives notification within 30 to 60 minutes of an approved greenslip purchase.


* Since 1 December 2017 insurers provide statutory cover under Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 and Motor Accidents (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006. Before 1 December 2017 it was under Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 and Motor Accidents (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006.


1. Does it matter who my green slip is with?

No, all green slips provide exactly the same cover. Even so, you may consider:

  • Is it easy to buy? – online, by phone or at a branch, agent or post office.
  • Is there any extra At-Fault Driver Cover?
  • Are there insurer discounts on other products if I have its green slip?
  • Do I have an existing relationship with an insurer?

2. Is it easy to buy a green slip?

Yes, it is easy to buy a green slip. All NSW CTP insurers offer online and phone purchase. However, some insurers also operate branches or sell through agents:

  • Allianz sells through major motor dealers.
  • GIO and NRMA Insurance use branches and agents.
  • QBE sells through selected brokers and agents.
  • AAMI and Youi are online only.

3. What is At-Fault Driver Cover?

At-Fault Driver Cover is extra cover on top of statutory benefits provided by a green slip. It offers further benefits for drivers who are injured in a road accident that was their fault. Currently, NRMA Insurance offers extra coverage for at-fault drivers with its Driver Protection Cover.

4. Can you negotiate a green slip?

No, you cannot negotiate a green slip because prices are regulated and further discounts are not allowed. The price of a green slip is already discounted for your location, vehicle and driver age, driving record, safe vehicle and other factors.

5. Can I get discounts on my green slip?

No, you cannot get discounts on your green slip. The price of your green slip is already discounted for any favourable factors. However, AAMI, GIO and NRMA Insurance offer discounts on other insurance products if you hold your green slip with them. These include multi-policy discounts, loyalty discounts or discounts off a new policy.

Compare - more info

Greenslip quote >

Six insurers in NSW offer CTP green slip quotes to compare. read more

Other factors to consider >

Consider other factors as well as the price of your green slip. read more

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Cost comparison >

Compare prices for all CTP insurers for the cheapest green slip. read more