Cost Comparison

Compare prices of CTP Green Slips

Six insurers are licensed to issue green slips in NSW.

These are AAMI, Allianz, GIO, NRMA Insurance, QBE and Youi.

Our Calculator provides the lowest available price for each of the six greenslip insurers, based on your vehicle and details. The Calculator gives prices for common vehicle types but not for trucks, buses and fleets.

As well as price and insurer contact details, this site has other insurer information, including At-Fault Driver Cover, ease of purchase and discounts on other insurance products.

Prices are taken from State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) site. We are not associated with SIRA, nor are we endorsed by SIRA.

Compare prices with our Calculator.


1. Do all NSW insurers sell green slips?

No, only 6 NSW insurers are licensed to sell green slips. They are AAMI, Allianz, GIO, NRMA Insurance, QBE and Youi. Other brands, such as APIA, Shannons and Kogan, sell green slips from one of these 6 insurers. Our calculator provides the lowest available price from each of these green slip insurers, based on your vehicle and details.

2. Where do your prices come from?

Our prices are taken from State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA). They are regulated prices and the same as those submitted by the insurers to SIRA. It is illegal for anyone to quote prices other than these regulated prices.

3. How is a green slip calculated?

Your green slip is calculated based on you, your vehicle and your driving history. Some important factors are where you live, youngest driver’s age, any demerit points, and whether you hold other insurance.

4. How can I get a cheap green slip?

You can get a cheap green slip by comparing prices using the Calculator. It provides the cheapest prices available from every green slip insurer in NSW. This means you do not need to shop around.

5. What is fault cover?

At-fault driver cover is extra insurance on top of regulated green slip coverage. It pays further benefits to a driver who is at fault in an accident than those available under a green slip. Only NRMA Insurance now offers at-fault driver cover.

Compare - more info

Compare insurers >

Compare insurer prices, features, ease of purchase, other factors. read more

Greenslip quote >

Six insurers in NSW offer CTP green slip quotes to compare. read more

Other factors to consider >

Consider other factors as well as the price of your green slip. read more

Greenslip info >

Learn all about green slips with our up to date greenslip info. read more

SIRA Green Slip Check >

SIRA offers a Green Slip Check calculator to compare prices. read more Calculator >

Best price from all CTP insurers using our green slip calculator. read more

Find the cheapest greenslip >

For the cheapest CTP greenslip compare prices from all insurers. read more