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Can Assist Manning Valley gets funding from greenslips.com.au

Manning Valley

Media release, 3 August 2020: Can Assist Manning Valley branch has received funding from greenslips.com.au to help pay for cancer patients’ green slip insurance. Cancer patients in need, and who rely on their car to get to treatment, are encouraged to ask for financial assistance from Can Assist Manning Valley.

A cancer diagnosis in rural or remote NSW can bring the additional burden of travelling long distances to treatment. Through a partnership with www.greenslips.com.au, Can Assist Manning Valley has received funding to help ease that burden. The comparative CTP insurance site knows the cost of CTP car insurance and recognise the benefits of keeping local cancer patients’ cars on the road when they need them most.

Long distances from Manning Valley

“We have such long distances with most cancer patients travelling to Port Macquarie, Newcastle and Sydney which is a 160km, 350km or 600km return trip respectively. To drive all that way, go through treatment and return home is hard, and people cannot be without their car,” said Janice Latimer, Can Assist Manning Valley President.

“Can Assist supports the costs of car insurance, rego, tyres and mechanical costs. This support from greenslips.com.au for the CTP green slip insurance is ideal. Clients are reassured knowing that they have a road worthy car. The car gives them independence when they need it most. We have a lot of tears of relief from our clients when they hear we can help them. They are at a point of despair and Can Assist is a ray of sunshine in an often-bleak time,” said Janice.

Can Assist provides practical and financial support to cancer patients through travel, food and fuel vouchers, pharmaceuticals and utilities payments. Can Assist Manning Valley support up to 12 patients a month however the branch knows there are many more in the community needing help, and expects that number will grow as COVID-19 puts an added burden on local cancer patients. The branch is keen to help more patients in need, especially with payment from www.greenslips.com.au for their CTP green slip insurance.

Emotional security

“The emotional security of your own car, just knowing you can jump in and go helps significantly. I have had phone calls with clients panicking because they cannot get to an appointment. A cancer diagnosis in the country becomes very stressful and if you don’t have a car it puts an added burden on your cancer journey,” said Bonita Lindfield, Can Assist Manning Valley Client Liaison Officer and Founding Member.

“The need for support is great. We have had a long drought, then bush fires, then floods and now COVID-19. Our area has been struggling, businesses and individuals are struggling. A cancer diagnosis on top of it all means people don’t know where to go. Can Assist is here to help our local cancer patients through these tough times,” said Bonita.

Manning Valley funding

Can Assist Manning Valley is funded entirely by events organised by the volunteers such as High Teas, Formal Balls, Raffles, Shows and local donations with all money raised locally staying local. While you won’t currently see the volunteers at their regular fundraising events, Can Assist is still accepting donations and welcomes the corporate sponsorship from greenslips.com.au. During COVID-19, patient needs are even more acute and Can Assist remains committed to assisting all local cancer patients.

Can Assist Manning Valley invite cancer patients to come forward and seek their support. They are also looking for volunteers in Forster and Gloucester. It is as simple as calling 0428 593 973. All patient enquiries and support are strictly confidential. For more information on how to support Can Assist, visit www.canasssist.org.au.

Media contacts

Sophie Bartho, sophie@brandswell.com Mobile 0411 191 141

About Can Assist

Can Assist is committed to ensuring that all people, regardless of where they live in NSW, have access to cancer treatment and care. By providing accommodation, financial assistance and practical support to people from rural and regional areas, it ensures country people are given the same opportunities and treatment choices as those who live in city centres.


Can Assist facts

  • Can Assist provides practical and financial support to people affected by cancer and living in country NSW.
  • Established in 1955, Can Assist is funded entirely by local donations and corporate sponsorships.
  • In 2019, it responded to over 7,700 requests for assistance from rural and regional cancer patients through 55 branches across NSW.
  • Can Assist is a grass roots, community-based volunteer network. It is local volunteers supporting local families affected by cancer.
  • All the money raised locally stays local.
  • Cancer is expensive, and people in rural and remote communities can suffer reduced income and increased expenses because of a cancer diagnosis. Their position is often exacerbated because treatment may require relocation from home and family support.
  • greenslips.com.au is a partner of Can Assist. greenslips.com.au is a price comparison and information service for CTP green slip insurance. It does not sell CTP green slip insurance.
  • greenslip.com.au has supported Can Assist head office and 17 branches, in Orange, Finley, Dubbo, Armidale, Bega, Balranald, Narrabri, Yass, Bathurst, Tumut, Deniliquin, the Southern Highlands, Wagga Wagga, Manning Valley, Moree, Eurobodalla and West Wylong, with commitments to give further support across NSW.

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