The following speech was shared by Stephen Treacey, Founder and CEO and, on 16 October 2023 at a ‘milestone meeting’ where he met Helen Corby, President of Can Assist Orange Branch for the first time after 4 years.
Thank you, Emma. I am delighted to be here, and I am particularly delighted to meet you, Helen.
It is symbolic that our relationship with Can Assist stared in April 2019, entirely as a result of a phone call from Helen. The symbolism, the loop of serendipity is closed today as I meet Helen, in person, for the first time. In June 2019 we donated to the first two branches, Orange and Finley. This week, we are finalising the last two branches. Our target was to get to all the branches and, four and a half years later, we have absolutely done it. I am delighted and I cannot express how proud I am of that fact. So, thank you Helen for sparking a journey that has been a privilege.
Clearly, for us, this has been a very important relationship and a significant contribution. Today is a significant moment. I could not let today pass without marking it and without expressing my thoughts and appreciation.
I remember clearly the day in April 2019 when Helen called me with a query on a green slip for a client. I asked about the organisation and Helen was a passionate advocate. I also remember the subsequent feedback about the impact of a simple green slip payment for that man. It touched us.
Sophie and I devised a plan, and I am grateful that Emma and Vicki took us on.
Can Assist was a compelling fit for us. Our business is NSW based, as is Can Assist. I am originally from western NSW. I still have family and strong ties to the country. I have experienced first-hand the upheaval and difficulty experienced by country people needing to travel for treatment. I know what it is to be the carer for a loved one with cancer. I loved the grass roots volunteer model, the fact that money raised locally stays local. Can Assist does not discriminate, it is there for all cancers, all people.
The recurring feedback has been about the importance of peoples cars, to access cancer treatment, and often as a refuge after treatment to get home. We have been fortunate to be able to help rural and remote cancer patients keep their cars on the road when they need them the most.

Every branch of Can Assist
We have donated $3,000 to every branch, to be used for the purchase of CTP green slips for people with cancer and in need. In addition, we have provided funding, skills and services to assist an outreach campaign for many of the branches. Often, the cost of outreach assistance far exceeded the cash donation. Sophie conducted many interviews, collected many stories and Can Assist featured in many articles and other media. We sought to highlight, amongst other things, the services provided by the local branches, the need for donations and the need for volunteers. All success here can be attributed to Sophie. I thank Sophie for her contribution.
It is good to re-visit our releases and articles, and there are many. There was a great release in November 2019 about Mr Griffiths (the client Helen originally called about) and Ian Coleman. It was an early reflection on why we do what we do. It is also good to help re-focus on the things that matter, people, making a difference, passion, care. A reminder not to let the daily grind overtake our focus on the things that really matter.
I hope we have impacted in other ways, in ways that we could not foresee.
People who care
I do have stats on what we have done, and they are significant, but I have deliberately not focused on them today.
Whilst the stats are important…for me, this is not about the cost or the stats. This is about passion and people who care!
At the heart of this organisation, in the branches, on the ground, and in this office today, it is entirely about people who care.
Helen cared, Emma and Vicki cared when they took us on. Sophie and I care very much.
Finally, and most importantly, I hope cancer patients, their carers and the branch volunteers have been impacted by what we have done.
I hope they have felt our care.
Emma, thank you for having me here today for this milestone. Helen and Alan, I know exciting times are ahead for you. I wish you all the best. Thank you.
For more about how this wonderful partnership unfolded, see our short video.
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