Review of NSW Registration Label Requirements

The NSW Government has approved a review of registration label requirements in NSW for light vehicles (with a GVM up to 4.5 tonnes).

The review, which is being undertaken by the Better Regulation Office and the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA), will examine the ongoing need for registration labels and will provide recommendations for reform.

An Issues Paper was made available.

Submissions to the review are required by 7 October 2011 and a final report and recommendations are expected to be presented to the NSW Government by the end of 2011.

Facts from Issues Paper

Some interesting facts from the Issues Paper:

  • In the 2010/11 financial year, approximately 6.1 million vehicles were recorded by the RTA as registered in NSW. 97% of those vehicles are light vehicles with a GVM up to 4.5 tonnes, the subject of the review.
  • Registration label for light vehicles abolished in Western Australia from 1 January 2010 and in South Australia from 1 July 2011.
  • 13,000 registration label offence penalty notices were issued in NSW in the 2010/11 financial year, according to the State Debt Recovery Office. The penalty notice fine amount is currently $88.00 for a light vehicle.
  • Approximately 46% of NSW registration renewals are processed online or by phone, according to the RTA. That figure is expected to grow to 50% by 2015.
  • There are currently 77 automatic number plate recognition cameras used by NSW Police which can detect if a vehicle is unregistered.
  • Since August 2010, vehicles caught committing an offence by an RTA enforcement camera, such as a speed or red light camera, are also checked for valid registration and CTP greenslip.


The main benefits identified in the Issues Paper are:

  • Cost (of producing labels)
  • Convenience (having to replace labels)
  • Environment (printing and disposal of waste)


The main risks identified in the Issues Paper are:

  • Effectiveness of law enforcement
  • Increase in the number of vehicle operators failing to renew registration and ctp greenslips.

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