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CTP Roundtable Details Announced

On 19 June 2013, the NSW Government announced proposed reforms to the NSW CTP greenslip scheme would be delayed. The government admitted it would not get the reforms through the upper house and that wider community consultation was required via a roundtable.

At the time of the announcement, Acting Minister for Finance and Services, Andrew Constance said that the Government wanted to consult further with stakeholders and that it would do so by facilitating a CTP roundtable.

Mr Constance has announced that the roundtable to discuss reforms to the CTP greenslip scheme will be held at Parliament House on Wednesday 24 July 2013.

An issues paper will be released a week beforehand.


Paul McClintock AO, Chairman of Myer Holdings Limited and former Secretary to Cabinet in the Australian Government has been appointed Chair.  ABC broadcaster Peter Thompson will act as facilitator and John Walsh AM, former Associate Commissioner at the Productivity Commission will provide actuarial expertise.

Invitations are being issued to insurers, lawyers, motoring groups, accident victims and community and business leaders.

Members of the public will be entitled to sit in on proceedings.

Mr Constance said that “the NSW Government has listened to community concerns and will use the roundtable to explain the reforms more effectively and explore the concerns of the various representatives.”

Enquiries can be directed to greensliproundtable@services.nsw.gov.au.




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