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CTP Roundtable Held

The proposed CTP roundtable was held on 24 July 2013, to discuss proposed reforms to the CTP greenslip scheme in NSW.

In his welcome, Minister for Ageing and Disability Services, Andrew Constance said that he wants the government’s position on the reforms resolved by the end of August.

Chair for the day, Paul McClintock will prepare a report on the discussions for the Minister and the steering committee.  The report will be published.

Roundtable summing up

In his summing up, Mr McClintock identified the following issues and observations from the day:

  1. Scheme coverage.
  2. Certainty, timeliness & care.
  3. Freedom (how you are cared for) & choice (use of a lawyer).
  4. Justice (cross subsidisation of risk).
  5. Risk mitigation.
  6. Cost & efficiency.
  7. Governance (and lack of trust between insurers and other stakeholders).
  8. Transparency of information and data.
  9. Sustainability.
  10. 5 year cut-off point for the majority of benefits.
  11. There is a long way to go (there is a lot of detail and a lot of issues for resolve).

We will provide information on the report as soon as it is available.

Ask us anything about green slips

If you didn’t find the answer to your question, please send it to us and we will answer it as soon as we can.

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