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Changes to purchasing green slips

Purchasing your green slip has become much easier. As of 6 November 2015, your insurer is able to get some of your details directly from Roads and Maritime Services (RMS).

This saves you the trouble of providing these details and it means you will be charged the correct amount for the premium.

After you buy your green slip, your insurer will send your green slip details to the RMS straightaway. Hard copy receipts will no longer be required for new registrations..

Renewal of registration

If you want to stay with the same insurer, then you won’t need to do anything different from usual. You will still receive a green slip renewal notice 4 to 6 weeks before the date your registration expires.

If you want to change to a different insurer, then you will need to provide two pieces of information:

  • Your RMS billing number
  • Your plate number

You can easily find these details on your RMS registration papers, so make sure you keep them somewhere safe and easy to find.

Other combinations of identifying information will also be acceptable.

(If the vehicle is registered in the name of a company, then the only identifier you can provide is the RMS billing number.)

Don’t know or starting new registration

If you don’t know your details or you are starting a new registration, provide two things:

  • The plate number if you dont know your details, or the vehicle’s vehicle identification number (VIN), engine and/or chassis number for a new registration
  • Your NSW driver or rider licence, NSW photo card number or RMS customer number.

Or course, if you have just bought a vehicle that is already registered, you have to complete a transfer of registration with RMS before you buy a green slip.

If you have just moved

If you have just moved to NSW and your vehicle is still registered in another state:

  • You can purchase a green slip to establish your registration by providing the vehicle’s VIN, engine and/or chassis number
  • You will need to transfer your registration to NSW

If you have just moved to NSW and bought a vehicle that is already registered in NSW:

  • Transfer the registration into your own name
  • You are then covered by the green slip included with the vehicle’s current registration until the expiry date
  • If the vehicle’s registration is due for renewal, you may not be able to buy a green slip until the registration is in your own name.

What else to do

If you recently bought a vehicle, complete the change of ownership with RMS or you may not be able to buy a green slip.

Always check the details on the registration papers. If they are not correct, you could be charged the incorrect green slip premium. So always contact the RMS on 13 22 13 first to let them know.

Only you can update details that are wrong (not your insurer).

Some things will not change

There are no changes to the benefits payable under the CTP green slip scheme.

You will still be able to get a green slip quote even if you don’t have all the required information. But you can only purchase a policy once you have this information.

If you have any doubts about the details on your registration papers or the changes to purchasing green slips, please contact us.

Ask us anything about green slips

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