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Changes for L and P plate drivers in NSW

driving less

In NSW alone, 21 young people have died this year in crashes involving P Plate drivers. Although only 10% of drivers in Australia are on P Plates, they are twice as likely to die as all drivers. This is why the graduated licensing scheme for learners and P Platers in NSW is changing.

Mobile phones

From 1 December 2016, P2 drivers cannot use their mobile phones for any purpose while driving, or when stationary but not parked.

Hazard perception test

From November 2017, learners must take the hazard perception test before moving to unsupervised driving on P Plates. P1 drivers will no longer need to take the test to progress to P2 Plates.

Driver qualification test

From November 2017, P2 drivers will no longer need to take the driver qualification test to get an unrestricted licence.

Extension of P2 for suspensions

From November 2017, P2 drivers must stay on their licence 6 months longer, each time they are suspended for unsafe driving.

The worst spots in NSW for L and P plate offences in the past year were Dubbo, with 289 and Goulburn, with 217 infringements.

Unfortunately, young drivers already have to pay a lot more for their green slips. Any demerit points or suspensions will push up the price even higher.

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