How to claim your CTP greenslip refund

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Most vehicle owners can now claim a refund on their CTP green slips. Following reforms to the NSW greenslip scheme, green slip prices fell from 1 December 2017. Insurers will refund overpaid green slips through ServiceNSW. Motorists have until 30 September 2018 to claim their greenslip refund.  [This was later extended to 30 June 2019 then 30 September 2019.]

How to claim your refund

To claim your CTP greenslip refund, you need to set up a MyServiceNSW account and provide your banking details. Demand is high, so ServiceNSW recommends you apply online between 7pm and 7am Monday to Saturday and all day Sunday.

It takes about five minutes to claim:

  • Set up a MyServiceNSW account using your email address
  • Link your Account to Roads, under the Services tab on your Dashboard using your drivers licence or registration details
  • Apply for the greenslip refund by clicking Claim CTP Refund
  • Provide your banking details.

Allow 10 working days for the refund to arrive in your account.

The NSW government said it will send letters to eligible people if they do not apply for their CTP green slip refund online.

How much is my refund?

The closer to 1 December 2017, the higher your refund will be. For example:

  • Your rego was due 1 June 2017 – you bought your 12-month green slip 6 months before the reforms on 1 December 2017. You will get a refund of 50% of the difference between the old and new scheme prices.
  • Your rego was due 1 September 2017 – you bought your 12-month green slip 3 months before the reforms on 1 December 2017. You will get a refund of 25% of the difference between the old and new scheme prices.

Am I eligible for a refund?

You are probably eligible if your private vehicle was registered in:

  • Sydney metro, Outer metro, Newcastle, or Wollongong and you paid your greenslip in February 2017 or later
  • Country area, and you paid your greenslip in May 2017 or later.

The owner of the vehicle at midnight 30 November 2017 receives the refund. If you buy a vehicle but do not transfer ownership by that date, the refund will go to the previous owner.

If the refund is less than $10, before or after the $10 admin fee, you are not eligible. Motorcycle owners are not eligible because the reforms gave them extra benefits not previously available.

Your greenslip is due in 2018

All greenslips issued in 2018 are at the new, lower prices. This means you cannot claim a refund on these. But you should still use the Calculator to find the cheapest green slip for your vehicle and details.

Ask us anything about green slips

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