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Digital licence trial in Dubbo

In early 2016, recreational fishing or responsible service of alcohol or gambling licences went digital. The next type of licence to go digital will be your drivers licence, depending on the results of a trial in Dubbo. Read More

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Green slip prices have fallen

After 1 July 2017, vehicle owners will see a welcome 5% price cut for their green slips. This means many motorists in Sydney will pay less than $600. It is a long time since prices for CTP insurance got cheaper in NSW.

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New rules for taxis and cars for hire

Many people have already used Uber or GoGet rather than hire a taxi to get around. This has upset taxi drivers, understandably, who have to pay for expensive licences and insurances while meeting legal standards. The NSW government has decided to update the legislation for this brave new world of rideshare and is asking the public to have its say.

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Bill for NSW CTP reform passed

The Motor Accident Injuries Bill 2017 passed NSW Parliament at the end of March. It will operate from 1 December 2017 and takes the first step towards reform of the NSW CTP scheme.

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New CTP scheme refocuses on injured people

Drivers in NSW know they pay the highest CTP premiums in Australia. Their premiums have increased some 85% in 10 years. Reform to the NSW CTP scheme has been a long time coming. But finally, Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Minister for Finance, Services and Property Victor Dominello announced some detail on 7 March.

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Government attempts to limit CTP insurer super-profits

Following an unsuccessful attempt in 2013, the NSW government is back on the path of CTP reform. The latest discussion paper, “Reforming insurer profit in compulsory third party (CTP) vehicle insurance”, was released in November 2016. This time, it addresses the issue of insurer super-profits.

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Vehicle transactions on your mobile

It is increasingly common and often quicker to pay bills on your mobile phone. The NSW government wants to make all transactions with them more convenient with a new phone app. Read More

CTP reform is on pause

In what is widely seen as another backflip, the NSW government has decided to revisit its radical ideas for CTP reform.

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