Cheaper rego for toll users

spend $15 different fund levy clawback

The NSW government just announced drivers who spend $15 or more a week on tolls can get their rego half price next July. Drivers who spend $25 or more a week on tolls will continue to get free rego.

Spend $15 a week on tolls

It is all too easy to spend $15 a week on tolls in Sydney.

M2 is at least $2.18 each way = $21.80 pw
M5 southwest is $4.71 each way = $47.10 pw
Eastern distributor is $7.46 one way = $37.30 pw
Cross city tunnel is at least $2.70 each way = $27.00 pw
Sydney harbour bridge/tunnel peak hour is $4 one way = $20 pw

While the government says Sydney’s west and northwest will be major winners, even people crossing the harbour bridge each day will benefit.

A few details

  • The program begins from 1 July 2019 but will be backdated to 1 July 2018
  • Families with more than one vehicle registered to an account can pool their total spend to qualify
  • All standard privately registered cars, utes, 4WDs and motorcycles are eligible
  • You will be informed when you renew online.

Remember the price of your green slip will also drop next year because of the lower Fund Levy.

Ask us anything about green slips

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