What is CTP Care?

ctp care

CTP Care is a new program in NSW for people injured in a road accident who have an accepted CTP claim but need treatment and care beyond 5 years. CTP Care will begin on 1 December 2022.

How does CTP Care work?

CTP Care will pay statutory benefits to people who are likely to need treatment and care for more than 5 years. Under the 2017 NSW CTP scheme, the CTP insurer manages CTP claims and pays statutory benefits for those claims. CTP Care will take over that role only when someone clearly needs treatment and care benefits beyond 5 years.

When someone transitions to CTP Care, the Lifetime Care and Support Authority (LCSA)  becomes their insurer and pays treatment and care statutory benefits. The LCSA also oversees the Lifetime Care and Support Scheme (LCSS) for people who sustain lifelong serious injuries in a road accident.

If you are eligible for CTP Care, you can expect these kinds of services:

  • Medical treatment, including GP visits
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Psychology
  • Physiotherapy
  • Exercise physiology
  • Travel to and from approved appointments.

CTP Care will start paying treatment and care statutory benefits from 1 December 2022, unless earlier as agreed with your CTP insurer. Your insurer will let you know if you are eligible about 6 months before and again at 2 weeks before the 5-year mark.

Remember, CTP Care does not apply to people with serious lifelong injuries, because they are already covered by the LCSS.

What is the LCCS?

The Lifetime Care and Support Scheme (LCCS) helps people who are severely injured in a road accident. Eligibility depends on severity of the injury but is not dependent on fault.

  • For 2 years, you are an ‘interim participant’ receiving reasonable and necessary treatment, rehabilitation and care.
  • After 2 years, someone with severe injuries becomes a ‘lifetime participant’. Severe injuries include brain injury, spinal cord injury, amputations, severe burns or permanent blindness.

The Lifetime Care and Support Authority (which is part of icare) runs the Lifetime Care and Support Scheme. All vehicle owners fund this scheme through a levy on their NSW green slip.

How is CTP Care different from the LCCS?

CTP Care has been set up to support someone with long-term injuries caused by a motor accident. The Lifetime Care and Support Scheme supports people with severe and lifelong injuries from a road accident.

iCare Lifetime Care, through the LCSA, administers both LCSS and CTP Care and both are funded by a Fund Levy on your green slip.

What to do next

Contact CTP Care on 1300 738 586 or email

Visit iCare Lifetime Care page

Download a copy of Transferring to CTP Care.
Contact CTP Assist on 1300 656 919 or email

Visit SIRA’s CTP Care page.

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